Browsing Omsorgsbiblioteket by Title
Now showing items 444-463 of 1752
Facilitating non-tokenistic user involvement in research
(Journal article, 2019)Background With the increase in user activism in the Western societies in recent years, there has also been an increase in promoting user involvement in research. Hence, is necessary to address the danger of tokenism, a ... -
Factors associated with nutritional risk in 75-year-old community living people
(Journal article, 2012)To identify risk factors for being at nutritional risk, by means of a nutritional screening, in a population based sample of 75‐year‐old people living in three county councils in Sweden. Undernutrition in older people is ... -
Factors associated with the amount of public home care received by elderly and intellectually disabled individuals in a large Norwegian municipality
(Journal article, 2016)This study reports an analysis of factors associated with home care use in a setting in which long‐term care services are provided within a publicly financed welfare system. We considered two groups of home care recipients: ... -
Factors influencing acceptance of technology for aging in place: A systematic review
(Journal article, 2014)Purpose To provide an overview of factors influencing the acceptance of electronic technologies that support aging in place by community-dwelling older adults. Since technology acceptance factors fluctuate over time, a ... -
Factors influencing patient safety in Sweden: perceptions of patient safety officers in the county councils
(Journal article, 2013)Background: national, regional and local activities to improve patient safety in Sweden have increased over the last decade. There are high ambitions for improved patient safety in Sweden. This study surveyed health care ... -
Factors influencing prescribing of fall-risk-increasing drugs to the elderly: a qualitative study
(Journal article, 2015)Objective. Explore the situations in which GPs associate drug use with falls among their elderly patients, and the factors influencing the prescribing and cessation of fall-risk-increasing drugs (FRIDs). Design. A qualitative ... -
Factors influencing the implementation of evidence-based guidelines for osteoarthritis in primary care: A systematic review and thematic synthesis
(Journal article, 2020)Introduction Implementation of evidence-based health guidelines in primary care is challenging. This systematic review aimed to synthesize qualitative evidence that investigates the factors influencing the implementation ... -
Factors of importance to the development of pressure ulcers in the care trajectory: perceptions of hospital and community care nurses
(Journal article, 2010)Aim. The study aimed at describing contributing factors for the progression or regression of pressure ulcers in the care trajectory as they were understood by nurses working in hospitals or community care. Background. ... -
Factors that influence patient involvement in nursing homes: staff experiences
(Journal article, 2012)Aim: The aim of this study was to identify the staff’s experience with factors influencing patient involvement. Background: The focus of this study was care for frail, elderly patients in Norwegian nursing homes (NHSs). ... -
Fall and Injury Prevention in Residential Care—Effects in Residents with Higher and Lower Levels of Cognition
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2003)To evaluate the effectiveness of a multifactorial fall and injury prevention program in older people with higher and lower levels of cognition. A preplanned subgroup comparison of the effectiveness of a cluster‐randomized, ... -
Fall blant pasienter i hjemmet og i sykehjem og betydning av tverrfaglighet og mestring
(Master thesis, 2007)Fall er et stort og økende problem for eldre kvinner og menn i den vestlige verden. En rekke forskningsrapporter dokumenterer at det er mulig å forebygge fall, og tverrfaglige tiltak har vist størst effekt. Fallforebygging ... -
Fall og pasientsikkerhet blant eldre i kommunene – En oppsummering av kunnskap
(Oppsummering; nr 6, Research report, 2017-06)UTFORDRINGSBILDET Fall er den hyppigste ulykkestypen blant eldre mennesker, og rammer både hjemmeboende og de som bor i institusjon. Fallrisikoen øker med alder, og forekomsten er spesielt høy hos de som er over 80 ... -
Fall og pasientsikkerhet blant eldre i kommunene – En oppsummering av kunnskap
(Oppsummering; nr 6, Research report, 2017)Oppsummeringen inkluderer 56 publikasjoner fra forsknings- og utviklingsarbeid som omhandler pasientsikkerhet og fall blant eldre i kommunene. I tillegg gis en oversikt over de mest sentrale offentlige reguleringer og ... -
Fall og velferdsteknologi
(Report, 2015)Gjennom prosjektet "Fall og velferdsteknologi" har medarbeidere i Skien kommune testet ut løsninger for varsling av fall eller situasjoner med fallrisiko for bruker. Hensikten med uttestingen har vært å få kunnskap om ... -
Fall prediction and a high-intensity functional exercise programme to improve physical functions and to prevent falls among older people living in residential care facilities
(Doctoral thesis, 2006)Impairments in balance, mobility, and lower-limb strength are common in the growing population of older people and can lead to dramatic consequences for the individual, such as dependency in activities of daily living, ... -
Fall risk awareness and safety precautions taken by older community-dwelling women and men: a qualitative study using focus group discussions
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2015)INTRODUCTION: daily life requires frequent estimations of the risk of falling and the ability to avoid a fall. The objective of this study was to explore older women's and men's understanding of fall risk and their experiences ... -
Fall risk factors in community-dwelling elderly people
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2012)Falls are a common and serious problem for older adults. Approximately one-third of older communitydwelling people fall at least once a year. The main purpose of this paper is to present risk factors for fall in older ... -
Fall scenarios in causing older women´s hip fractures
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2013)Objective: falls and fall-related injuries among older women constitute a major public health problem with huge costs for the society and personal suffering. The aim of this study was to describe and illustrate how a number ... -
(Report, 2014)Bakgrunn: Utviklingssenter for sykehjem og hjemmetjenester i Hordaland, deltok i 2012-13, i den nasjonale pasientsikkehetskampanjen «I trygge hender», sammen med Bergen kommune. Satsningsområdet var «Forebygging av fall i ...