Browsing Omsorgsbiblioteket by Title
Now showing items 1262-1281 of 1752
Psykiatrien som flytta ut i bygda. En analyse av hva som skjedde da psykiatriske hjelpere skulle bidra til brukernes innlemmelse blant folk i bygda
(Doctoral thesis, 2008)Avhandlingen konkluderer med at stadig flere trenger hjelp fra distriktspsykiatrien. Studien etterlyser mer arbeid som kan finne frem til hvilke samfunnsmessige betingelser i folks hverdagsliv det er som gjør at stadig ... -
Psykiatrisk senter for Tromsø og omegn - et forsøk på organisering av et helhetlig brukernært spesialisthelsetilbud
(Journal article, 2009)Det har lenge innenfor psykisk helsefeltet vært ideer om utvikling av det en kan kalle mer brukernære tjenester. Utviklingen av distriktspsykiatriske sentra kan ses på i et slikt perspektiv. I 1987 sendte Helsedirektoratet ... -
Psykisk helsearbeid i kommunene – tiltak og tjenester. Status 2007/2008 og utvikling i Opptrappingsplanperioden
(Others, 2008)Rapporten konkluderer med at det har skjedd en betydelig utbygging av tjenestetilbudet i kommunene i opptrappingsplanperioden. De øremerkede tilskuddene har hatt signifikant effekt på utviklingen i brukerrater og dekningsgrad ... -
Psykisk helsearbeid i lokalsamfunnet – noen organisasjonsteoretiske perspektiver
(Journal article, 2004)I tiden etter at Opptrappingsplanen ble vedtatt har det skjedd en utvidelse av de målgrupper planen omfatter, og en presisering av de krav og forventninger psykisk helsearbeid stilles overfor. De utfordringene bedre ... -
Psykisk helsearbeid som kunnskaps- og kompetansefelt
(Journal article, 2011)Det er behov for et paradigmeskifte i synet på hvordan tilbudet til mennesker med psykiske lidelser skal utformes, mot et kontekstuelt kunnskapssyn forankret i det kommunale psykiske helsearbeidet. Paradigmeskiftet vil ... -
Psykisk helsearbeid- fra forskning til praksis, eller omvendt?
(Journal article, 2004)Med omleggingen av den psykiatriske helsetjenesten fra institusjonsbehandling til koordinerte hjelpetilbud i lokalsamfunnet er det behov for å tenke gjennom forutsetninger og praktisk utforming av det nye psykiske ... -
Qigong Exercise May Reduce Serum TNF-α Levels and Improve Sleep in People with Parkinson’s Disease: A Pilot Study
(Journal article, 2017)Background: Inflammatory cytokine levels are often elevated in people with Parkinson’s disease (PD). People with PD often experience sleep disturbances that significantly impact quality of life. Past studies suggest ... -
Qualitative Content Analysis
(Chapter, 2014)The wide range of approaches to data analysis in qualitative research can seem daunting even for experienced researchers. This handbook is the first to provide a state-of-the art overview of the whole field of QDA; from ... -
Qualitative research: standards, challenges, and guidelines
(Journal article, 2001)Qualitative research methods could help us to improve our understanding of medicine. Rather than thinking of qualitative and quantitative strategies as incompatible, they should be seen as complementary. Although procedures ... -
A qualitative study on promoting reablement among older people living at home in Norway: opportunities and constraints
(Journal article, 2022)Background Healthcare services that traditionally have been provided in long-term care institutions in Norway are increasingly being delivered at home to a growing population of older people with chronic conditions and ... -
Quality and safety in the transitional care of the elderly (phase 2): The study protocol of a quasi-experimental intervention study for a cross-level educational programme
(Journal article, 2014)Introduction: Transitional care and patient handover are important areas to ensure quality and safety in elderly healthcare services. Previous studies showed that healthcare professionals have little knowledge of the setting ... -
Quality and safety in transitional care of the elderly: the study protocol of a case study research design (phase 1)
(Journal article, 2013)Introduction Although international studies have documented that patients’ transitions between care providers are associated with the risk of adverse events and uncoordinated care, research directed towards the quality and ... -
Quality and safety in transitional care of the elderly: The study protocol of a case study research design (phase 1)
(Journal article, 2013)Introduction: Although international studies have documented that patients’ transitions between care providers are associated with the risk of adverse events and uncoordinated care, research directed towards the quality ... -
Quality in transitional care of the elderly: Key challenges and relevant improvement measures
(Journal article, 2014)Introduction: Elderly people aged over 75 years with multifaceted care needs are often in need of hospital treatment. Transfer across care levels for this patient group increases the risk of adverse events. The aim of this ... -
Quality indicators of nutritional care practice in elderly care
(Journal article, 2017)Objectives: The aim is to explore the effects of antecedent, structural and process quality indicators of nutritional care practice on meal satisfaction and screened nutritional status among older adults in residential ... -
Quality of care in for-profit and not-for-profit nursing homes: systematic review and meta-analysis
(Journal article, 2009)Objective To compare quality of care in for-profit and not-for-profit nursing homes. Design Systematic review and meta-analysis of observational studies and randomised controlled trials investigating quality of care in ... -
Quality of life and quality of support for people with severe intellectual disability and complex needs
(Journal article, 2016)Background People with severe and profound intellectual disabilities often spend substantial time isolated and disengaged. The nature and quality of the support appears to be important in determining quality of ... -
Queera livslopp: Att leva och åldras som lhbtq-person i en heteronormativ värld
(Doctoral thesis, 2016)This study is based on life-course interviews with 20 LGBTQ-identified people, born between 1922 and 1950, 62-88 years old at the time of the interviews. Older LGBTQ-identified people have experienced tremendous changes ... -
Queering the relationship between evidence-based mental health and psychiatric diagnosis: Some implications for international mental health nurse curricular development
(Journal article, 2015)We critique EB mental healthcare’s relationship with psychiatric diagnosis from a queer paradigm position. We sketch out some initial principles that will hopefully stimulate and contribute to the advancement of mental ...