Browsing Omsorgsbiblioteket by Title
Now showing items 1711-1730 of 1752
What is a planning model? An introduction to PRECEDE‐PROCEED
(Journal article, 2011)Planning models exist at a macroscopic level; they serve as an organizing framework for an entire health promotion effort aimed at fostering reduction in a given disease. A particularly useful, widely applied, and ... -
What is the matter with crushing pills and opening capsules?
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2010)This study aims to map out to what degree medication is being crushed and mixed into the patients' food and beverages and how often this practice included medication, which has a statement in the Norwegian pharmaceutical ... -
What Was (Also) at Stake When a Robot Bathtub Was Implemented in a Danish Elder Center: A Constructivist Secondary Qualitative Analysis
(Journal article, 2016)Assistive technologies are often considered to be passive tools implemented in targeted processes. Our previous study of the implementation of the robot bathtub in a Danish elder center suggested that purposeful rationality ... -
What we know and what they do: nursing students' experiences of improvement knowledge in clinical practice
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2005)Nations around the world face mounting problems in health care, including rising costs, challenges to accessing services, and wide variations in safety and quality. Several reports and surveys have clearly demonstrated ... -
When Coercion Moves into Your Home : A Study of Outpatient Commitment in Northern Norway
(Doctoral thesis, 2016)”Når tvangen flyttes hjem i stua” Tvang overfor pasienter som bor hjemme erfares annerledes enn hvordan vi vanligvis tenker om tvang i psykisk helsevern, viser en ny studie fra UIT. Tvunget psykisk helsevern uten døgnopphold ... -
‘When the saints go marching in’: constructions of senior volunteering in Norwegian government white papers, and in Norwegian senior volunteers’ and health-care professionals’ stories
(Journal article, 2017)This study explores policy makers’, health-care professionals’ and senior volunteers’ perceptions of senior volunteers. Two Norwegian government white papers regarding older adult care and welfare services, which were ... -
Which test is best? Strength testing neurological rehabilitation
(Others, 2020)Muscle weakness is the primary impairment affecting people with neurological conditions. Despite its significance to both clinicians and patients, the gold standard measure is largely restricted to laboratory settings for ... -
WHO Global Report on Falls Prevention in Older Age
(Research report, 2007)The WHO Falls Prevention for Active Ageing model provides an action plan for making progress in reducing the prevalence of falls in the older adult population. By building on the three pillars of falls prevention, the model ... -
Whose story is it? An autoethnography concerning narrative identity
(Journal article, 2012)This paper is divided into three parts, each separated by centrally spaced asterisks. The first part, co-written on the basis of the standpoint interests of both authors, outlines the historical, philosophical, theoretical ... -
Why are clinical practice guidelines not followed?
(Journal article, 2016)Clinical practice guidelines (CPG) are written with the aim of collating the most up to date information into a single document that will aid clinicians in providing the best practice for their patients. There is evidence ... -
“Why did I try to kill myself?”A narrative context analysis of Marianne’s story
(Journal article, 2015)Artikkelen omhandler brukermedvirkning og innsikt blant brukere av distriktspsykiatriske tjenester i Nord- Norge. Den tar særlig for seg behovet for en familie- og nettverksrettet tilnærming i møtet med innlagte foreldre ... -
Why don’t physicians adhere to guideline recommendations in practice? An analysis of barriers among Dutch general practitioners
(Journal article, 2009)Background Despite wide distribution and promotion of clinical practice guidelines, adherence among Dutch general practitioners (GPs) is not optimal. To improve adherence to guidelines, an analysis of barriers to ... -
Word-mal for oppsummeringer i Omsorgsbiblioteket
(Others, 2024) -
Wounds research for patient benefit: a 5-year programme of research
(Journal article, 2016)Background Complex wounds are those that heal by secondary intention and include lower-limb ulcers, pressure ulcers and some surgical wounds. The care of people with complex wounds is costly, with care mainly being delivered ... -
Yngre og eldre brukere i hjemmetjenesten - ulike behov eller forskjellsbehandling: flerfaglig praksis i et interaksjonsteoretisk perspektiv
(Rapportserien;3/2012, Report, 2012)Bakgrunn for dette prosjektet er den store veksten i yngre brukere av kommunale pleie- og omsorgstjenester og at eldre brukere, selv om de er flest, får en stadig mindre andel av ressursene. Ulikheter i tjenestetilbudet ... -
Yngre personer med nevrologiske sykdommer eller skader: Hvem er de som mottar hjemmetjenester, og hva slags hjelp får de?
(Høgskolen i Gjøviks rapportserie;1/2009, Report, 2009)Helse- og omsorgsdepartementet (HOD) henvendte seg i oktober 2008 til Senter for omsorgsforskning, Østlandet for å få gjennomført en kartlegging av yngre tjenestemottakere i hjemmetjenesten som har nevrologiske lidelser - ... -
Yngre personer som mottar hjemmetjenester: Hvem er de, hva slags hjelp får de, og hvorfor øker antallet så sterkt?
(Høgskolen i Gjøviks rapportserie;8/2006, Report, 2006)I løpet av de siste 10-15 årene har det skjedd en bemerkelsesverdig utvikling av alderssammensetningen blant mottakere av hjemmetjenester i den kommunale pleie- og omsorgstjenesten. Antall personer under 67 år er fordoblet, ... -
Yoik experiences and possible positive health outcomes: an explorative pilot study
(Journal article, 2017)Background: Yoik is an old vocal music tradition of Sami, the indigenous people inhabiting Northern Fennoscandia and Kola peninsula in Russia. Studies of music therapy (MT) and especially singing have documented improvements ... -
"You can get in alright but you can't get out": Social exclusion and men with dementia in nursing homes: Insights from a single case study
(Journal article, 2007)The social exclusion of people with dementia is a problem. Older men with dementia in nursing homes are at considerable risk of social exclusion due to factors associated with age, gender, mental health status and this ... -
"You never know who are Sami or speak Sami": Clinicians' experiences with language-appropriate care to Sami-speaking patients in outpatient mental health clinics in Northern Norway
(Journal article, 2016)Background: The Indigenous population in Norway, the Sami, have a statutory right to speak and be spoken to in the Sami language when receiving health services. There is, however, limited knowledge about how clinicians ...