Browsing Omsorgsbiblioteket by Title
Now showing items 25-44 of 1752
A Rhythm-Based Serious Game for Fine Motor Rehabilitation Using Leap Motion
(Others, 2019)This paper presents a system to deliver automated and noninvasive fine motor rehabilitation through a rhythm-based game using a Leap Motion Controller. The platform is a rhythm game wherein hand gestures are used as input ... -
A song of identity: Yoik as example of the importance of symbolic cultural expression in intercultural communication/health care
(Journal article, 2011)Yoik is the old Sami form of music/singing produced according to old conventions and used in various communication contexts. A yoik referring to a particular person, a so-called person-yoik, constitutes a musical expression ... -
A stronger collective voice for people with dementia
(Report, 2012)The Dementia Engagement & Empowerment Project (DEEP) var et ettårig prosjekt knyttet til å øke brukermedvirkningen blant mennesker som var rammet av demens i England. Prosjektet besto av flere deler: • Kartleggingsundersøkelse, ... -
A systematic review of electronic multi-compartmentmedication devices with reminder systems for improvingadherence to self-administered medications
(Journal article, 2016)Background Many patients experience difficulties adhering to medication regimes. For people who forget or get confused about medication, there are products to help them such as multi‐compartment medication devices (MMDs). ... -
A systematic review of perceived barriers and motivators to physical activity after stroke
(Journal article, 2013)Background and purpose: Physical fitness is impaired after stroke, may contribute to disability, yet is amenable to improvement through regular physical activity. To facilitate uptake and maintenance of physical activity, ... -
A systematic review of the evidence on home care reablement services
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2015)Se: -
Ability for self-care in urban living older people in southern Norway
(Journal article, 2012)Background: The number of older people living in urban environments throughout the world will increase in the coming years. There is a trend in most European countries towards improved health among older people, and increased ... -
Acculturation and self-reported health among Arctic indigenous peoples: a population-based cross-sectional study
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2012)Background: acculturation is for indigenous peoples related to the process of colonisation over centuries as well as the on-going social transition experienced in the Arctic today. Changing living conditions and lifestyle ... -
ACT-håndbok. 2.utgave
(Others, 2013)ACT-håndboken ble utgitt i oktober 2010 og en elektronisk versjon finnes på, og midtveisrapporten fra evalueringen forelå i november 2012. Siden ACT-teamene ble opprettet, har noen team vurdert å dreie arbeidet ... -
ACT-håndbok: Inkludert en beskrivelse av FACT-modellen
(Others, 2013)ACT-håndboken ble utgitt i oktober 2010 og en elektronisk versjon finnes på, og midtveisrapporten fra evalueringen forelå i november 2012. Siden ACT-teamene ble opprettet, har noen team vurdert å dreie arbeidet ... -
Acute hospital admissions among nursing home residents: a population-based observational study
(Journal article, 2011)Background Nursing home residents are prone to acute illness due to their high age, underlying illnesses and immobility. We examined the incidence of acute hospital admissions among nursing home residents versus the ... -
Acute hospital admissions from nursing homes: predictors of unwarranted variation?
(Journal article, 2013)Background: The geriatric nursing home population is frail and vulnerable to sudden changes in their health condition. Very often, these incidents lead to hospitalization, in which many cases represent an unfavourable ... -
Adaptation of international evidence based clinical practice guidelines: The ADAPTE process
(Journal article, 2013)Evidence-based clinical practice guidelines are important tools to unify practice and improve patient’s outcomes in terms of morbidity and mortality. The generation of EBCPGs is not an easy task. It requires a lot of ... -
Administration of care to older patients in transition from hospital to home care services: Home nursing leaders’ experiences
(Journal article, 2013)Background: Older persons in transition between hospital and home care services are in a particularly vulnerable situation and risk unfortunate consequences caused by organizational inefficiency. The purpose of the study ... -
Advance care planning in life-threatening pulmonary disease: a focus group study
(Journal article, 2018)Advance care planning (ACP) is a communication process for mapping a patient's wishes and priorities for end-of-life care. In preparation for the introduction of ACP in Norway, we wanted to explore the views of Norwegian ... -
Advance Care Planning in Nursing Homes – Improving the Communication Among Patient, Family, and Staff: Results From a Cluster Randomized Controlled Trial (COSMOS)
(Journal article, 2018)Introduction: The majority of nursing home (NH) patients suffer from complex diseases, including dementia. This makes advance care planning (ACP) particularly important. Objectives: The aim was to investigate the effect ... -
Advancing beyond the system: telemedicine nurses’ clinical reasoning using a computerised decision support system for patients with COPD – an ethnographic study
(Journal article, 2017)Background Telemedicine is changing traditional nursing care, and entails nurses performing advanced and complex care within a new clinical environment, and monitoring patients at a distance. Telemedicine practice requires ... -
Advice from rural elders: What it takes to age in place
(Journal article, 2010)Older adults prefer to age in place (AIP), and there are psychological, physiological, and economic benefits in doing so. However, it is especially challenging to AIP in rural communities. AIP models have been tested in ... -
Aerobic Exercise Prescription in Stroke Rehabilitation: A Web-Based Survey of US Physical Therapists
(Journal article, 2017)Background and Purpose: Best practice recommendations indicate that aerobic exercise (AEX) should be incorporated into stroke rehabilitation. However, this may be challenging in clinical settings. The purpose of this study ...