Browsing Omsorgsbiblioteket by Title
Now showing items 742-761 of 1752
Implementation of incident reporting systems in Norwegian nursing homes from a management perspective – a pilot study
(Journal article, 2011)An incident reporting system is important for continual improvement in nursing homes. The purpose of this study is to describe the extent to which Norwegian nursing homes have implemented incident reporting systems from a ... -
Implementation of Multidose Drug Dispensing in a Home Care Setting: Changes in Safety of Medicines Management
(Doctoral thesis, 2014)Multidose dispensed drugs are drugs machine-packed into dose unit bags for each time of administration. Trondheim municipality decided in 2005 to implement Multidose Drug Dispensing (MDD) in home care services. At that ... -
Implementation of national guidelines for the prevention and treatment of overweight and obesity in children and adolescents: a phenomenographic analysis of public health nurses’ perceptions
(Journal article, 2016)Objective To explore and describe how public health nurses (PHNs) perceive the implementation of national guidelines for the prevention and treatment of overweight and obesity among children and adolescents in well-baby ... -
Implementation strategies used to implement nursing guidelines in daily practice: A systematic review
(Journal article, 2020)Objectives Research specifically addressing implementation strategies regarding nursing guidelines is limited. The objective of this review was to provide an overview of strategies used to implement nursing guidelines in ... -
Implementering av velferdsteknologi i helse- og omsorgstjenester : opplæringsbehov og utforming av nye tjenester – en sluttrapport
(Skriftserien;13, Report, 2015)De kommunale helse- og omsorgstjenestene står overfor store utfordringer framover tilknyttet nye og yngre brukergrupper, flere eldre med hjelpebehov, knapphet på personell og utfordringer relatert til samhandling mellom ... -
Implementering av velferdsteknologi. En kvalitativ studie: hvilken nytte og hvilke utfordringer erfarer ansatte i kommunal helsetjeneste?
(Senter for omsorgsforskning, rapportserie;1/15, Research report, 2015)Denne rapporten bygger på en kvalitativ studie utført av Senter for omsorgsforskning Midt-Norge. Studien tar for seg ansattes erfaringer fra et prosjekt med implementering og bruk av velferdsteknologiske sensoralarmer i ... -
Implementering av velferdsteknologi. En kvalitativ studie: hvilken nytte og hvilke utfordringer erfarer ansatte i kommunal helsetjeneste?
(Rapportserien;1/2015, Report, 2015)Denne rapporten bygger på en kvalitativ studie utført av Senter for omsorgsforskning Midt-Norge. Studien tar for seg ansattes erfaringer fra et prosjekt med implementering og bruk av velferdsteknologiske sensoralarmer i ... -
Implementing a care pathway for elderly patients, a comparative qualitative process evaluation in primary care
(Journal article, 2015)Background: In Central Norway a generic care pathway was developed in collaboration between general hospitals and primary care with the intention of implementing it into everyday practice. The care pathway targeted elderly ... -
Implementing health research through academic and clinical partnerships: a realistic evaluation of the Collaborations for Leadership in Applied Health Research and Care (CLAHRC)
(Journal article, 2011)Background The English National Health Service has made a major investment in nine partnerships between higher education institutions and local health services called Collaborations for Leadership in Applied Health Research ... -
Implementing international osteoarthritis treatment guidelines in primary health care: Study protocol for the SAMBA stepped wedge cluster randomized controlled trial
(Journal article, 2015)Background Previous research indicates that people with osteoarthritis (OA) are not receiving the recommended and optimal treatment. Based on international treatment recommendations for hip and knee OA and previous research, ... -
Implementing legal capacity under article 12 of the UN convention on the rights of persons with disabilities: the difficult road from guardianship to supported decision-making
(Journal article, 2012)This article addresses Article 12 of the UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (CRPD), Equal recognition before the law, and its emphasis on supported decision making as one way in which an individual's ... -
Implementing nutrition guidelines for older people in residential care homes: a qualitative study using normalization process theory
(Journal article, 2012)Background Optimizing the dietary intake of older people can prevent nutritional deficiencies and diet-related diseases, thereby improving quality of life. However, there is evidence that the nutritional intake of older ... -
Important challenges for coordination and inter-municipal cooperation in health care services: A Delphi study
(Journal article, 2013)Background: Demographical changes have stimulated a coordination reform in the Norwegian health care sector, creating new working practices and extending coordination within and between primary and hospital care, increasing ... -
Improving Patient Handovers From Hospital to Primary Care: A Systematic Review
(Journal article, 2012)Background: Evidence shows that suboptimum handovers at hospital discharge lead to increased rehospitalizations and decreased quality of health care. Purpose: To systematically review interventions that aim to improve ... -
Improving Walking Ability in People With Neurologic Conditions: A Theoretical Framework for Biomechanics-Driven Exercise Prescription
(Journal article, 2019)The purpose of this paper is to discuss how knowledge of the biomechanics of walking can be used to inform the prescription of resistance exercises for people with mobility limitations. Muscle weakness is a key physical ... -
’In gille huma’. De tause rommene i samtalen: samiske fortellinger om kreft
(Master thesis, 2006)Dette mastergradsarbeidet handler om hvordan man kan forstå det å ha kreftsykdom ut fra hvordan sykdommen snakkes, eller ikke snakkes om i samiske samfunn. Det er i dagens kreftomsorg et sterkt fokus på å hjelpe de som ... -
In the mountains one feels like a dog off the leash - Sámi perceptions of welfare and its influencing factors
(Journal article, 2010)The Sámi in Finland have statutory rights that recognize their cultural needs in customer service situations within social and Iwatili care. The aim of this study is to describe and understand Sami's perception of their ... -
Inadequate Care, Abuse and Neglect in Norwegian Nursing Homes
(Doctoral thesis, 2013)Inadekvat pleie og omsorg, overgrep og forsømmelser i norske sykehjem Beboere på sykehjem er spesielt sårbare og i risiko for å bli utsatt for inadekvat pleie og omsorg, overgrep og forsømmelser. Dette fordi de er mer ... -
Inadequate care, Abuse and Neglect in Norwegian Nursing Homes
(Doctoral thesis, 2013)Inadekvat pleie og omsorg, overgrep og forsømmelser i norske sykehjemBeboere på sykehjem er spesielt sårbare og i risiko for å bli utsatt for inadekvat pleie og omsorg, overgrep og forsømmelser. Dette fordi de er mer eller ...