• Ernæringsstatus blant pasienter i sykehjem og i hjemmesykepleien kartlagt ved hjelp av Ernæringsjournalen 

      Landmark, Bjørg Th.; Gran, Siv Venke; Grov, Ellen Karine (Journal article, 2014)
      Background: malnutrition amongst the elderly may lead to serious consequences for the person and for the community in terms of need for public support. Assessment of the nutritional status is the first step regarding ...
    • Forebygging av fotsår hos pasienter med diabetes 

      Bakken, Linda N.; Lerdal, Anners; Øverby, Gerd-Ellen; Hamborg, Kari Steinseth (Journal article, 2006)
      The progression of diabetes is often accompanied by complications which can include leg and foot ulcers. The increase in the prevalence and incidence of diabetes has serious implications for the management of subsequent ...
    • Sykepleie og helsefremming blant pasienter i palliativ omsorg 

      André, Beate; Ringdal, Gerd I. (Journal article, 2015)
      This article provides an overview of the nursing role and responsibility in regard to dying patients and how a health promotion perspective may contribute to a good and dignified death. The experience of death and dying ...