Blar i Omsorgsbiblioteket på forfatter "Blix, Bodil Hansen"
Family caregivers’ involvement in decisionmaking processes regarding admission of persons with dementia to nursing homes
Larsen, Lill Sverresdatter; Blix, Bodil Hansen; Hamran, Torunn (Journal article, 2018)The current Western health policy of ageing in place relies on a triad collaboration among patients, healthcare service providers and family caregivers. Such collaborations presuppose involvement in a vague juridical ... -
Helse- og omsorgstjenester til den samiske befolkningen i Norge – En oppsummering av kunnskap
Blix, Bodil Hansen (Oppsummering;nr 3, Research report, 2016)Samene er urbefolkningen i Norge. Deres rettigheter i møte med helse- og omsorgstjenestene reguleres av internasjonale konvensjoner og nasjonalt lovverk. Det er store individuelle og lokale språklige, kulturelle og ... -
Helse- og omsorgstjenester til den samiske befolkningen i Norge – En oppsummering av kunnskap
Blix, Bodil Hansen (Oppsummering;nr 3, Research report, 2016)Samene er urbefolkningen i Norge. Deres rettigheter i møte med helse- og omsorgstjenestene reguleres av internasjonale konvensjoner og nasjonalt lovverk. Det er store individuelle og lokale språklige, kulturelle og ... -
Indigenous Life Stories as Narratives of Health and Resistance: a Dialogical Narrative Analysis
Blix, Bodil Hansen; Hamran, Torunn; Normann, Hans Ketil (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2012)The Sami people have historically been exposed to severe assimilation processes. The objective of this study was to explore elderly Samis’ experiences of health. A total of 19 elderly Sami individuals in Norway were ... -
Roads not taken: a narrative positioning analysis of older adults' stories about missed opportunities
Blix, Bodil Hansen; Hamran, Torunn; Normann, Hans Ketil (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2015)The point of departure for this article is narrative gerontology's conceptualization of life as storied and the assumption that identity development and meaning making do not cease at any age, but rather continue throughout ... -
Shared decision making from the service users’ perspective: A narrative study from community mental health centers in northern Norway
Klausen, Rita Kristin; Blix, Bodil Hansen; Lorem, Geir F.; Karlsson, M.; Haugsgjerd, Svein (Journal article, 2017)This article aims to contribute to the understanding of shared decision making as an important aspect of user involvement in mental health care from the perspectives of service users. A thematic analysis of interviews with ... -
"Something decent to wear": performances of being an insider and an outsider in Indigenous research
Blix, Bodil Hansen (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2015)The point of departure for this article is the commitment in Indigenous research to reflect Indigenous contexts and worldviews. Based on an analysis of a story from my own research, I argue that Indigenous contexts (rather ... -
Struggles of being and becoming: a dialogical narrative analysis of the life stories of Sami elderly
Blix, Bodil Hansen; Hamran, Torunn; Normann, Hans Ketil (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2013)The Sami are an indigenous people living in Norway, Sweden, Finland, and Russia. Historically, national states have made strong efforts to assimilate the Sami people into the majority populations, and the Sami have experienced ... -
The construction of Sami identity, health, and old age in policy documents and life stories: a discourse analysis and a narrative study
Blix, Bodil Hansen (Doctoral thesis, 2013)Dagens eldre samer har levd sine liv i en historisk periode preget av store sosiale endringer når det gjelder situasjonen til det samiske folk. De har opplevd den historiske perioden preget av assimilasjonspolitikk og ... -
“The Old Sami” – who is he and how should he be cared for?: a discourse analysis of Norwegian policy documents regarding care services for elderly Sami
Blix, Bodil Hansen; Hamran, Torunn; Normann, Hans Ketil (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2013)This study examined four policy documents published by the Norwegian government from 1995 to 2009 describing issues regarding the provision of public services to elderly Sami in Norway. Adopting a Foucauldian discourse ... -
“They take care of their own”: healthcare professionals’ constructions of Sami persons with dementia and their families’ reluctance to seek and accept help through attributions to multiple contexts
Blix, Bodil Hansen; Hamran, Torunn (Journal article, 2017)Background: Norwegian government white papers have stated that the Sami population is reluctant to seek help from healthcare services and has traditions of self-help and the use of local networks. Objective: In this article ... -
‘When the saints go marching in’: constructions of senior volunteering in Norwegian government white papers, and in Norwegian senior volunteers’ and health-care professionals’ stories
Blix, Bodil Hansen; Hamran, Torunn (Journal article, 2017)This study explores policy makers’, health-care professionals’ and senior volunteers’ perceptions of senior volunteers. Two Norwegian government white papers regarding older adult care and welfare services, which were ...