Blar i Omsorgsbiblioteket på forfatter "Dagsvold, Inger"
’In gille huma’. De tause rommene i samtalen: samiske fortellinger om kreft
Dagsvold, Inger (Master thesis, 2006)Dette mastergradsarbeidet handler om hvordan man kan forstå det å ha kreftsykdom ut fra hvordan sykdommen snakkes, eller ikke snakkes om i samiske samfunn. Det er i dagens kreftomsorg et sterkt fokus på å hjelpe de som ... -
What can we talk about, in which language, in what way and with whom?: Sami patients' experiences of language choice and cultural norm in mental health treatment
Dagsvold, Inger; Møllersen, Snefrid; Stordahl, Vigdis (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2015)BACKGROUND: the Sami in Norway have a legal right to receive health services adapted to Sami language and culture. This calls for a study of the significance of language choice and cultural norms in Sami patients' encounters ... -
"You never know who are Sami or speak Sami": Clinicians' experiences with language-appropriate care to Sami-speaking patients in outpatient mental health clinics in Northern Norway
Dagsvold, Inger; Møllersen, Snefrid; Stordahl, Vigdis (Journal article, 2016)Background: The Indigenous population in Norway, the Sami, have a statutory right to speak and be spoken to in the Sami language when receiving health services. There is, however, limited knowledge about how clinicians ...