Browsing Omsorgsbiblioteket by Author "Grimsmo, Anders"
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Antall kroniske sykdommer og persontilpasning bør ligge til grunn for prioriteringer i kommunale helse- og omsorgstjenester
Grimsmo, Anders (Journal article, 2018)Utvalget for prioritering i helse- og omsorgstjenestene i kommunene (Blankholmutvalget) har i sitt mandat fått i oppgave å vurdere om prioriteringskriteriene som ble fremlagt i Meld. St. 34 (2015−2016) for spesialisthelsetjenesten ... -
Early experiences with the multidose drug dispensing system – A matter of trust?
Wekre, Liv Johanne; Melby, Line; Grimsmo, Anders (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2011)Objective: to study early experiences with multidose drug dispensing (MDD) among different groups of health personnel. Design: qualitative study based on focus-group interviews. Setting: primary health care, Trondheim, ... -
GPs’ prescription routines and cooperation with other healthcare personnel before and after implementation of multidose drug dispensing
Wekre, Liv Johanne; Bakken, Kjersti; Garåsen, Helge; Grimsmo, Anders (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2012)Background: this study addresses GPs’ attitudes towards multidose drug dispensing before and after implementation and their perceived experience of how multidose drug dispensing affects prescription and communication ... -
Multidose drug dispensing and discrepancies between medication records
Wekre, Liv Johanne; Spigset, Olav; Sletvold, Olav; Sund, Janne Kutschera; Grimsmo, Anders (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2010)Background: the objective of this study was to investigate whether implementation of multidose drug dispensing (MDD) for elderly outpatients is associated with a change in the number of discrepancies in the medication ... -
Toward Increased Patient Safety? Electronic Communication of Medication Information Between Nurses in Home Health Care and General Practitioners
Lyngstad, Merete; Melby, Line; Grimsmo, Anders; Hellesø, Ragnhild (Journal article, 2014)This study investigates how the use of an electronic messaging system influences patient safety in the medication information process between home health care nurses and general practitioners. Focus group interviews and ...