Browsing Omsorgsbiblioteket by Author "Røsstad, T."
Now showing items 1-7 of 7
Care pathways as boundary objects between primary and secondary care: Experiences from Norwegian home care services
Håland, E.; Røsstad, T.; Osmundsen, T.C. (Journal article, 2015)The need for integration of healthcare services and collaboration across organisational boundaries is highlighted as a major challenge within healthcare in many countries. Care pathways are often presented as a solution ... -
Development of a patient-centred care pathway across healthcare providers: A qualitative study
Røsstad, T.; Garåsen, H.; Steinsbekk, A.; Sletvold, O.; Grimsmo, A. (Journal article, 2013)Background: Different models for care pathways involving both specialist and primary care have been developed to ensure adequate follow-up after discharge. These care pathways have mainly been developed and run by specialist ... -
Generic care pathway for elderly patients in need of home care services after discharge from hospitals: A cluster randomised trial
Røsstad, T.; Salvesen, Ø.; Steinsbekk, A.; Grimsmo, A.; Sletvold, O.; Garåsen, H. (Journal article, 2016) -
Generic care pathway for elderly patients in need of home care services after hospital discharge: A cluster RCT with nested qualitative studies of development and implementation
Røsstad, T. (Doctoral thesis, 2016)Generisk pasientforløp for eldre pasienter med behov for hjemmetjenester etter utskriving fra sykehus – utvikling, implementering og effekt Vestlige land står overfor et økende antall eldre pasienter som bor hjemme med ... -
Helhetlige pasientforløp – gjennomføring i primærhelsetjenesten
Grimsmo, A.; Løhre, A.; Røsstad, T.; Gjerde, I.; Heiberg, I.; Steinsbekk, A. (Journal article, 2016)Et av hovedmålene i samhandlingsreformen har vært at kommuner i samarbeid med sykehus skal kunne tilby helhetlige og integrerte tjenester før og etter sykehusopphold, basert på sammenhengende pasientforløp. Kommuner og ... -
Implementing a care pathway for elderly patients, a comparative qualitative process evaluation in primary care
Røsstad, T.; Garåsen, H.; Steinsbekk, A.; Håland, E.; Kristoffersen, L.; Grimsmo, A. (Journal article, 2015)Background: In Central Norway a generic care pathway was developed in collaboration between general hospitals and primary care with the intention of implementing it into everyday practice. The care pathway targeted elderly ... -
Unwanted incidents during transition of geriatric patients from hospital to home: A prospective observational study
Mesteig, M.; Helbostad, J.L.; Sletvold, O.; Røsstad, T.; Saltvedt, I. (Journal article, 2010)Background: Geriatric patients recently discharged from hospital experience increased chance of unplanned readmissions and admission to nursing homes. Several studies have shown that medication-related discrepancies are ...