Browsing Forebyggende og helsefremmende hjemmebesøk til eldre by Title
Now showing items 32-51 of 71
Health-promoting interventions for persons aged 80 and older are successful in the short term-results from the randomized and three-armed Elderly Persons in the Risk Zone study
(Journal article, 2012)Objectives: To examine the outcomes of the Elderly Persons in the Risk Zone study, which was designed to evaluate whether it is possible to delay deterioration if a health-promoting intervention is made when an older adult ... -
Helsefremmende hjemmebesøk til friske eldre - "Den gode samtalen"
(Journal article, 2016) -
Helsefremmende og forebyggende hjemmebesøk 2012
(Report, 2013)Trondheim kommune etablerte Infosenteret for seniorer (heretter omtalt som IS) som et prosjekt i 2003. Bakgrunnen for etableringen var et ønske om å styrke forebyggings- og rehabiliteringsarbeidet i kommunen. I 2004 ble ... -
Helsefremmende og forebyggende tilbud til eldre. Idéhefte for kommuner
(Others, 2015)Mennesker vil aller helst klare seg selv.Det ønsket gjelder hele livet. Derfor tror vi på betydningen av å satse på helsefremmende og forebyggende aktiviteter. Helse er noe som stadig er i endring. Helsen din kan reduseres ... -
Home Visits to Prevent Nursing Home Admission and Functional Decline in Elderly People: Systematic Review and Meta-regression Analysis
(Journal article, 2002)CONTEXT: The effects of home visitation programs to prevent functional decline in elderly persons have been inconsistent, and the value of these programs is controversial. OBJECTIVE: To evaluate the effect of preventive ... -
How Do Older Persons Understand the Purpose and Relevance of Preventive Home Visits? A Study of Experiences after a First Visit
(Journal article, 2014)The aim of this study was to explore and describe older persons’ experiences of their first Preventive Home Visit. Preventive Home Visits (PHV) are health services that aim to promote older persons' health, prevent functional ... -
How to Measure Self-management Abilities in Older People by Self-report. The Development of the SMAS-30
(Journal article, 2005)This paper presents the results of two studies carried out in order to design and test a self-report instrument to measure Self-Management Ability (the SMAS-30) in aging individuals. SMA refers to the core behavioral and ... -
Hvilken betydning har forebyggende hjemmebesøk? - En kvalitativ studie av eldre menneskers erfaringer
(Journal article, 2016)Bakgrunn: Det finnes en omfattende forskningslitteratur knyttet til helseeffekter av forebyggende hjemmebesøk til eldre, men det etterlyses mer kvalitativ forskning for å forstå hvilken betydning tilbudet har for de eldres ... -
Interventions to prevent disability in frail community-dwelling older persons: an overview
(Journal article, 2010)This narrative review was conducted to provide an overview of the variety of interventions aimed at disability prevention in community-dwelling frail older persons and to summarize promising elements. The search strategy ... -
Lov om folkehelsearbeid (folkehelseloven)
(Others, 2012) -
Modell for forebyggende hjemmebesøk
(Others, 2017) -
Multi-component health promotion and disease prevention for community-dwelling frail elderly persons: a systematic review
(Journal article, 2009)The objective was to investigate definitions of frailty used in studies of multi-component health promotion and disease-preventive (HPDP) intervention programmes for community-dwelling frail elderly persons and to review ... -
Multidimensional Preventive Home Visit Programs for Community-Dwelling Older Adults: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis of Randomized Controlled Trials
(Journal article, 2008)Background: Multidimensional preventive home visit programs aim at maintaining health and autonomy of older adults and preventing disability and subsequent nursing home admission, but results of randomized controlled trials ... -
Nasjonal helse- og omsorgsplan: 2011-2015
(Others, 2011) -
Norsk pasientregister. (2013)
(Others, 2013) -
Older people and preventive home visits
(Report, 2006)In 1996, national preventive efforts for the elderly were introduced in Denmark with a general offer of home visits by preventive staff.The focal point of the preventive home visits has been the functional decline and the ... -
Older Users' Perspectives on the Benefits of Preventive Home Visits
(Journal article, 2015)In this article we explore older people’s perspectives on the benefits of preventive home visits (PHVs), after long-term follow-up. PHVs are health services intended to promote older people’s health and independence, prevent ...