Browsing Helse- og omsorgstjenester til den samiske befolkning i Norge by Title
Now showing items 93-112 of 117
The construction of Sami identity, health, and old age in policy documents and life stories: a discourse analysis and a narrative study
(Doctoral thesis, 2013)Dagens eldre samer har levd sine liv i en historisk periode preget av store sosiale endringer når det gjelder situasjonen til det samiske folk. De har opplevd den historiske perioden preget av assimilasjonspolitikk og ... -
The influence of cultural background in intercultural dementia care: exemplified by Sami patients
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2013)Aim: To gain knowledge about how the original culture may influence communication and interaction with institutionalised patiens with dementia and of what particular cultural aspects may come to the fore, exemplified by ... -
The need for and barriers to professional help – a qualitative study of the bereaved in Sámi areas
(Journal article, 2014)In order to secure appropriate follow-up for the bereaved after traumatic death among indigenous groups in Norway, this study aims to acquire specific and local knowledge conserning their need for help and to examine whether ... -
“The Old Sami” – who is he and how should he be cared for?: a discourse analysis of Norwegian policy documents regarding care services for elderly Sami
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2013)This study examined four policy documents published by the Norwegian government from 1995 to 2009 describing issues regarding the provision of public services to elderly Sami in Norway. Adopting a Foucauldian discourse ... -
The Sami-living conditions and health
(Journal article, 2008)The aim of this Special Issue is to show the diversity of living conditions among the Sami and their consequences on the health and rates of disease among this population living in the Sami areas of Norway, Sweden, Finland ... -
“There are more things in heaven and earth!” How knowledge about traditional healing affects clinical practice: interviews with conventional health personnel
(Journal article, 2017)People with Sami and Norwegian background are frequent users of traditional folk medicine (TM). Traditional healing, such as religious prayers of healing (reading) and the laying on of hands, are examples of commonly used ... -
“They take care of their own”: healthcare professionals’ constructions of Sami persons with dementia and their families’ reluctance to seek and accept help through attributions to multiple contexts
(Journal article, 2017)Background: Norwegian government white papers have stated that the Sami population is reluctant to seek help from healthcare services and has traditions of self-help and the use of local networks. Objective: In this article ... -
Tiden er et skip som ikke kaster anker. Utvikling av helse- og sykdomsbildet og helsetjenester i den samiske befolkningen
(Journal article, 2014)Den samiske befolkningen har status som urfolk og har sin særegne historie, sitt eget språk og sine egne tradisjoner, verdier og normer. Samene har like stor grad av variasjon i levemåte og kulturelle uttrykk som den øvrige ... -
Traditional healing and the public mental health services in Sámi areas of northern Norway: interfaces and cooperation
(Doctoral thesis, 2009)Denne avhandlingen forsøker å se på samspillet mellom bruk av lokale hjelpertradisjoner utenfor helsevesenet og offentlige psykiske helsetjenester i Finnmark og Nord-Troms, og reiser spørsmålet om et eventuelt større ... -
Traditional Healing Meeting Modern Health Care Policy. Culturally Sensitive Health Care Practices for the Indigenous People of Norway and Hawaii: A Comparison
(Master thesis, 2009)By examining two societies, this thesis has focused on the challenges and problems of the processes involved when traditional healing or folk medicine are incorporated into the margins of the medical system of developed ... -
Treatment Satisfaction and Recovery in Saami and Norwegian Patients Following Psychiatric Hospital Treatment: a Comparative Study
(Journal article, 2005)Treatment, treatment satisfaction and recovery in Saami and Norwegian patients treated in a psychiatric hospital were compared. Although half of the Saami patients preferred to speak Saami with their therapists, only one ... -
Treårige satsinger innen samiske helse- og omsorgstjenester, (2010-2012) – Versjon 2, April 2013 IS-2052
(Research report, 2013)Med bakgrunn i St.meld. nr. 25 (2005 - 2006) "Mestring, muligheter og mening" og "Demensplan 2015" iverksatte Helsedirektoratet i 2010 en treårig satsning for å bidra til å øke kvaliteten i helse- og omsorgstjenestene til ... -
Use of health care in the main area of Sami habitation in Norway - catching up with national expenditure rates
(Journal article, 2011)For many years political and professional concerns have centred on the health service access of Norway’s modern Indigenous Sami people. Thirty years ago, a study determined that a low rate of health expenditure on Sami ... -
Utvikling av et habiliteringstilbud for samiske barn og unge
(Research report, 2013)Sluttrapport for prosjektet "Utvikling av et habiliteringstilbud for samiske barn og unge" gjennomført ved Valnesfjord Helsesportssenter. Rapporten konkluderer med at duodje og samisk tradisjonskunnskap i naturen er viktig ... -
Varför söker svenska samer vård i Norge? - om kultur og kontext i samisk psykiatri
(Journal article, 2015)Samerna är urfolket i norra Skandinavien och på Kolahalvön. De svenska samernas hälsa är generellt god, men liksom bland andra urfolk i Arktis har problem med psykisk ohälsa och självmord ökat under senare år, särskilt ... -
Veileder om kommunikasjon via tolk for ledere og personell i helse- og omsorgstjenestene
(Others, 2011)Veileder om kommunikasjon via tolk. -
Veiviseren. Lederutfordringer på veien fra visjonspregede styringskrav til samisk kulturforståelse
(Master thesis, 2016)Målet med denne studien er å undersøke prosessen i en kompleks organisasjon med å oversette og ta i bruk et visjonsprega styringskrav. Helse- og omsorgsdepartementet og Helse Nord RHF setter krav i et årlig oppdragsdokument ... -
“We own the illness”: a qualitative study of networks in two communities with mixed ethnicity in Northern Norway
(Journal article, 2018)Background: When people in Northern Norway get ill, they often use traditional medicine. The global aim of this study was to examine the extended family networks’ function and responsibility in cases of illness in the ... -
What can we talk about, in which language, in what way and with whom?: Sami patients' experiences of language choice and cultural norm in mental health treatment
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2015)BACKGROUND: the Sami in Norway have a legal right to receive health services adapted to Sami language and culture. This calls for a study of the significance of language choice and cultural norms in Sami patients' encounters ... -
Yoik experiences and possible positive health outcomes: an explorative pilot study
(Journal article, 2017)Background: Yoik is an old vocal music tradition of Sami, the indigenous people inhabiting Northern Fennoscandia and Kola peninsula in Russia. Studies of music therapy (MT) and especially singing have documented improvements ...