Browsing Pasientforløp for eldre med kronisk sykdom by Document Types "Journal article"
Now showing items 21-40 of 69
En tverrfaglig læringsarena for overføring av eldre pasienter
(Journal article, 2015)Bakgrunn: Studien rapporterer funn fra en interorganisatorisk læringsintervensjon for helsepersonell, relatert til overføringer av eldre pasienter mellom behandlingsnivåer. Hensikt: Å undersøke hvordan det kan tilrettelegges ... -
Erfaringer med å overføre syke eldre pasienter fra sykehus til kommune
(Journal article, 2010)Bakgrunn: Det er store utfordringer knyttet til bedring av samhandlingen mellom første- og andrelinjetjenesten i helsevesenet. Denne studien er et ledd i et utviklingsprosjekt for å belyse kontaktflater og bedre kvaliteten ... -
Erfaringer med etablering av kommunalt øyeblikkelig hjelp døgntilbud
(Journal article, 2014) -
Evidence On The Chronic Care Model In The New Millennium
(Journal article, 2009)Developed more than a decade ago, the Chronic Care Model (CCM) is a widely adopted approach to improving ambulatory care that has guided clinical quality initiatives in the United States and around the world. We examine ... -
Evidence-based Risk Factors for Adverse Health Outcomes in Older Patients after Discharge Home and Assessment Tools: A Systematic Review
(Journal article, 2011)The current health care system is discharging elderly patients “quicker” and “sicker” from acute care facilities. Consequently, hospital readmission is common; however, readmission may be only one aspect of adverse outcomes ... -
GPs’ perspectives on the management of patients with multimorbidity: Systematic review and synthesis of qualitative research
(Journal article, 2013)Objective: To synthesise the existing published literature on the perceptions of general practitioners (GPs) or their equivalent on the clinical management of multimorbidity and determine targets for future research that ... -
Helhetlige pasientforløp – gjennomføring i primærhelsetjenesten
(Journal article, 2016)Et av hovedmålene i samhandlingsreformen har vært at kommuner i samarbeid med sykehus skal kunne tilby helhetlige og integrerte tjenester før og etter sykehusopphold, basert på sammenhengende pasientforløp. Kommuner og ... -
Hospital-Initiated Transitional Care Interventions as a Patient Safety Strategy: A Systematic Review
(Journal article, 2013)Hospitals now have the responsibility to implement strategies to prevent adverse outcomes after discharge. This systematic review addressed the effectiveness of hospital-initiated care transition strategies aimed at ... -
How do we deal with multiple goals for care within an individual patient trajectory?: A document content analysis of health service research papers on goals for care
(Journal article, 2015)Objectives: Patients with complex long-term needs experience multiple parallel care processes, which may have conflicting or competing goals, within their individual patient trajectory (iPT). The alignment of multiple goals ... -
Hvordan har kommunene løst utfordringen med utskrivningsklare pasienter?
(Journal article, 2013)Bakgrunn: Samhandlingsreformen ble iverksatt 1/1-12. Samtidig trådte forskriften om kommunal medfinansiering og kommunal betaling for utskrivningsklare pasienter i kraft. Kommunene overtok derved det finansielle ansvaret ... -
Identifying keys to success in reducing readmissions using the ideal transitions in care framework
(Journal article, 2014)Background: Systematic attempts to identify best practices for reducing hospital readmissions have been limited without a comprehensive framework for categorizing prior interventions. Our research aim was to categorize ... -
Implementing a care pathway for elderly patients, a comparative qualitative process evaluation in primary care
(Journal article, 2015)Background: In Central Norway a generic care pathway was developed in collaboration between general hospitals and primary care with the intention of implementing it into everyday practice. The care pathway targeted elderly ... -
Important challenges for coordination and inter-municipal cooperation in health care services: A Delphi study
(Journal article, 2013)Background: Demographical changes have stimulated a coordination reform in the Norwegian health care sector, creating new working practices and extending coordination within and between primary and hospital care, increasing ... -
Improving Patient Handovers From Hospital to Primary Care: A Systematic Review
(Journal article, 2012)Background: Evidence shows that suboptimum handovers at hospital discharge lead to increased rehospitalizations and decreased quality of health care. Purpose: To systematically review interventions that aim to improve ... -
Informal caregivers’ participation when older adults in Norway are discharged from the hospital
(Journal article, 2014)This paper describes the participation of informal caregivers in the discharge process when patients aged 80 and over who were admitted from home to different hospitals in Norway were discharged to long-term community care. ... -
Innleggelsesrapport utfordrer sykepleiekontinuiteten
(Journal article, 2015)Elektronisk innleggelsesrapport inneholder ikke relevant sykepleiefaglig informasjon ved innleggelse av geriatriske pasienter i sykehus. Det er behov for en forbedring av innholdet, slik at innleggelsesrapporten får en ... -
Interventions to improve patient safety in transitional care - a review of the evidence
(Journal article, 2012)When a patient’s transition from the hospital to home is less than optimal, the repercussions can be far-reaching – hospital readmission, adverse medical events, and even mortality. Elderly, especially frail older patients ... -
Interventions to Improve Transitional Care Between Nursing Homes and Hospitals: A Systematic Review
(Journal article, 2010)Transitions between healthcare settings are associated with errors in communication of information and treatment plans for frail older patients, but strategies to improve transitional care are lacking. A systematic review ... -
Interventions to reduce hospital readmissions in the elderly: In-hospital or home care: A systematic review
(Journal article, 2011)Rationale, aims and objectives: Unplanned hospital readmissions of elderly people represent an increasing burden on health care systems. This burden could theoretically be reduced by adequate preventive interventions, ...