Blar i Pasientforløp for eldre med kronisk sykdom på dokumenttype "Journal article"
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A collaborative chain out of phase
(Journal article, 2013)Purpose: To understand the needs of information in the collaboration between health personnel in hospitals and care nursing personnel in municipal care in the process of discharging care-needing older patients from ... -
A review of the literature on patient participation in transitions of the elderly
(Journal article, 2015)Patient participation is highlighted in healthcare policy documents as an important area to address in order to improve and secure healthcare quality. The literature on healthcare quality and safety furthermore reveals ... -
Administration of care to older patients in transition from hospital to home care services: Home nursing leaders’ experiences
(Journal article, 2013)Background: Older persons in transition between hospital and home care services are in a particularly vulnerable situation and risk unfortunate consequences caused by organizational inefficiency. The purpose of the study ... -
An observational study of older patients’ participation in hospital admission and discharge - exploring patient and next of kin perspectives
(Journal article, 2015)Aims and objectives: To explore older patients’ participation during hospitaladmission and discharge. Background: Patient participation is suggested as a means to improve the quality of tran-sitional healthcare. Older ... -
Balansen mellom pasientens behov og organisatoriske hensyn: Ergoterapeuters erfaringer knyttet til eldre pasienters overgangsfase fra sykehus til eget hjem
(Journal article, 2016)Bakgrunn og hensikt: Å mestre daglige aktiviteter etter utskrivelse fra sykehus kan innebære mange utfordringer for eldre mennesker. Hensikten med denne studien var å belyse ergoterapeuters erfaringer med å legge til rette ... -
Care pathways as boundary objects between primary and secondary care: Experiences from Norwegian home care services
(Journal article, 2015)The need for integration of healthcare services and collaboration across organisational boundaries is highlighted as a major challenge within healthcare in many countries. Care pathways are often presented as a solution ... -
Communication and coordination during transition of older persons between nursing homes and hospital still in need of improvement
(Journal article, 2013)Aim: To investigate registered hospital and nursing home nurses' experiences of coordination and communication within and between care settings when older persons are transferred from nursing homes to hospital and vice ... -
Comprehensive geriatric assessment
(Journal article, 2016)Geriatric conditions such as functional impairment and dementia are common and frequently unrecognized or inadequately addressed in older adults. Identifying geriatric conditions by performing a geriatric assessment can ... -
Comprehensive geriatric assessment for older adults admitted to hospital: Metaanalysis of randomised controlled trials
(Journal article, 2011)Objective: To evaluate the effectiveness of comprehensive geriatric assessment in hospital for older adults admitted as an emergency. Search strategy: We searched the EPOC Register, Cochrane’s Controlled Trials Register, ... -
Comprehensive geriatric care for patients with hip fractures: a prospective, randomised, controlled trial
(Journal article, 2015)Background: Most patients with hip fractures are characterised by older age (>70 years), frailty, and functional deterioration, and their long-term outcomes are poor with increased costs. We compared the effectiveness and ... -
Cultural diversity between hospital and communbity nurses: implications for continuity of care
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2010)Introduction: Health care systems and nurses need to take into account the increasing number of people who need post-hospital nursing care in their homes. Nurses have taken a pivotal role in discharge planning for frail ... -
Designing Health Care for the Most Common Chronic Condition - Multimorbidity
(Journal article, 2012) -
Development of a patient-centred care pathway across healthcare providers: A qualitative study
(Journal article, 2013)Background: Different models for care pathways involving both specialist and primary care have been developed to ensure adequate follow-up after discharge. These care pathways have mainly been developed and run by specialist ... -
«Du må bare skrive ut, ønske lykke til, og stole på at det går bra!»: En kvalitativ undersøkelse av sykepleieres muligheter og begrensninger for skjønnsutøvelse når pasienter skal utskrives fra sykehus til kommunale helse-og omsorgstjenester
(Journal article, 2015)“You can only discharge them, wish them luck, and hope for the best!” The aim was to investigate nurse’s experiences of the possibilities to act according to their professional discretion in the process where patients are ... -
Døgnåpne kommunale akuttenheter: En helsetjeneste-modell med rom for lokale organisasjonstilpasninger
(Journal article, 2015)Fra 1. januar 2016 skal kommunalt akutt døgnopphold (KAD) være etablert i alle landets kommuner. Målet med artikkelen er å klassifisere akuttenhetene i hovedmodeller og belyse hvordan kommunene har nyttiggjort seg ... -
Effectiveness of an intermediate care hospital on readmissions, mortality, activities of daily living and use of health care services among hospitalized adults aged 60 years and older - a controlled observational study
(Journal article, 2015)Background: Intermediate care is a health care model developed to optimize the coordination of health care services and functional independence. In Central Norway, an intermediate care hospital (ICH) was established in a ... -
Elderly persons’ experiences of participation in hospital discharge process
(Journal article, 2011)Objective: The purpose of this study was to describe older hospital patients’ discharge experiences on participation in the discharge planning. Methods: A sample of 254 patients aged 80+ was interviewed using a questionnaire ... -
Eldres erfaringer med utskrivning fra sykehus
(Journal article, 2012)Bakgrunn: Utskrivning av de eldste pasientene fra sykehus til kommunale tjenester er et aktuelt tema. Hvordan eldre selv erfarer denne prosessen, har vært lite studert. Hensikt: Beskrive eldre pasienters erfaringer med ... -
Electronic exchange of discharge summaries between hospital and municipal care from health personnel’s perspectives
(Journal article, 2010)Introduction: Information and communication technologies (ICT) are seen as potentially powerful tools that may promote integration of care across organisational boundaries. Here, we present findings from a study of a ... -
Elektronisk meldingsutveksling ved utskriving av pasienter fra sykehus til kommune
(Journal article, 2016)Bakgrunn: Utskriving fra sykehus til kommunal hjemmetjeneste er en sårbar situasjon for pasienter. Bruk av PLO-meldinger skal sikre at tilstrekkelig og relevant informasjon overføres ved pasientoverganger mellom sykehus ...