Browsing Legemiddelbruk og pasientsikkerhet by Author "Blix, Hege Salvesen"
Now showing items 1-4 of 4
A multidisciplinary approach to improve drug therapy in nursing homes
Davidsson, Malin; Vibe, Olaug Elisabeth; Ruths, Sabine; Blix, Hege Salvesen (Journal article, 2011)Management of drug therapy in nursing home patients is challenging due to complex health problems, use of multiple medications, and age-related changes in pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics. The objective of this study ... -
Evaluating categorization and clinical relevance of drug-related problems in medication reviews
Granås, Anne Gerd; Berg, Christian; Hjellvik, Vidar; Haukereid, Cecilie; Kronstad, Arvid; Blix, Hege Salvesen; Kilhovd, Bente; Viktil, Kirsten K.; Horn, Anne Marie (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2010)Objectives: we aimed to evaluate the categorisation and clinical relevance of DRPs identified by community pharmacists, and further, to assess the quality of interventions with the patients and the physicians as documented ... -
Klassifisering av legemiddelrelaterte problemer
Ruths, Sabine; Viktil, Kirsten K.; Blix, Hege Salvesen (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2007)Bakgrunn: legemiddelrelaterte problemer forekommer hyppig og påfører pasientene betydelig sykelighet og i noen tilfeller død, samt økte utgifter for samfunnet. Et klassifiseringssystem kan bidra til å identifisere slike ... -
The Impact of Clinical Pharmacists on Drug-Related Problems and Clinical Outcomes
Viktil, Kirsten K.; Blix, Hege Salvesen (Journal article, 2008)Drug‐related problems are frequent and may result in reduced quality of life, and even morbidity and mortality. Many studies have shown that clinical pharmacists can effectively identify and prevent clinically significant ...