Interaction in community-based aged healthcare: Perceptions of people with dementia
Original version
Gill, L., White, L. & Cameron, I. D. (2011). Interaction in community-based aged healthcare: Perceptions of people with dementia. Dementia, 10(4), 539-554. 10.1177/1471301211409626Abstract
This research sought to understand how people with dementia perceive interaction in the context of their service experience. Using the client data from a qualitative study that was conducted over three years and employed both inductive and deductive techniques, the data from 22 client interviews were consolidated and then analysed. Seven themes related to service experience were identified: Awareness; Communication; Dependency; Expectations; Experience; Position; and Relationship. These themes provide insights that could assist service providers to better understand and facilitate interaction with their clients. The study highlights that clients with dementia wish to be given the opportunity to have input to the creation of their service. Itpoints out that service organizations need to develop tailored mechanisms that will allow this to occur; and the study provides information that could be used to facilitate the achievement of a responsive, client-centred community-based aged healthcare service.