Browsing Dag-, aktivitets- og treningstilbud for personer med nevrologiske skader og sykdommer by Title
Now showing items 1-20 of 180
A home program of strength training, movement strategy training and education did not prevent falls in people with Parkinson’s disease: a randomised trial
(Journal article, 2017)Questions For people with idiopathic Parkinson’s disease, does a 6-week, comprehensive, home exercise program reduce falls and disability and improve health-related quality of life? Is the program cost-effective? Des ... -
A Literature Review of Stroke-Induced Speech, Language and Swallowing Impairments and Age
(Master thesis, 2018)Forskning har vist at antall slagtilfeller blant yngre har økt de siste tiårene. Vår studie har til hensikt å besvare hvorvidt forekomst afasi, dysfagi, dysartri og taleapraksi har sammenheng med alder. En litteraturstudie ... -
A phase II multi-centered, single-blind, randomized, controlled trial of the stroke self-management program
(Journal article, 2011)Background and Purpose: The benefits of chronic disease self-management programs for stroke survivors are uncertain because individuals with severe impairments have been excluded from previous research. We undertook a phase ... -
A pilot study of combined endurance and resistance exercise rehabilitation for verbal memory and functional connectivity improvement in epilepsy
(Journal article, 2019)Memory impairment is common in persons with epilepsy (PWE), and exercise may be a strategy for its improvement. In this pilot study, we hypothesized that exercise rehabilitation would improve physical fitness and verbal ... -
A Portable Passive Rehabilitation Robot for Upper-Extremity Functional Resistance Training
(Journal article, 2019)Objective: Individuals with neurological damage (e.g., stroke or cerebral palsy) often experience a significant loss of arm function. Robotic devices that address muscle strength deficits in a task-specific manner can ... -
A randomised controlled comparison of alternative strategies in stroke care
(Journal article, 2005)Objectives: To compare outcomes between stroke patients managed on the stroke unit, on general wards with stroke team support or at home by specialist domiciliary team and to derive prognostic variables that will identify ... -
A Rhythm-Based Serious Game for Fine Motor Rehabilitation Using Leap Motion
(Others, 2019)This paper presents a system to deliver automated and noninvasive fine motor rehabilitation through a rhythm-based game using a Leap Motion Controller. The platform is a rhythm game wherein hand gestures are used as input ... -
A systematic review of perceived barriers and motivators to physical activity after stroke
(Journal article, 2013)Background and purpose: Physical fitness is impaired after stroke, may contribute to disability, yet is amenable to improvement through regular physical activity. To facilitate uptake and maintenance of physical activity, ... -
Aerobic Exercise Prescription in Stroke Rehabilitation: A Web-Based Survey of US Physical Therapists
(Journal article, 2017)Background and Purpose: Best practice recommendations indicate that aerobic exercise (AEX) should be incorporated into stroke rehabilitation. However, this may be challenging in clinical settings. The purpose of this study ... -
Aktivitetshåndboken: fysisk aktivitet i forebygging og behandling
(Veiledere;IS-1592, Others, 2009)I denne håndboken finner du oppsummert kunnskap om effekt av fysisk aktivitet i forebygging og behandling, og anbefalinger på individ- og gruppenivå. Boken beskriver i tillegg hvordan man fremmer atferdsendring. -
An operant approach to rehabilitation medicine: overcoming learned nonuse by shaping
(Journal article, 1994)A new approach to the rehabilitation of movement, based primarily on the principles of operant conditioning, was derived from research with deafferented monkeys. The analysis suggests that a certain proportion of excess ... -
Application of LSVT BIG Intervention to Address Gait, Balance, Bed Mobility, and Dexterity in People With Parkinson Disease: A Case Series
(Journal article, 2014)Background and Purpose: Lee Silverman Voice Treatment Big (LSVT BIG) is characterized by intensive exercising of high-amplitude movements to overcome bradykinesia and hypokinesia in patients with Parkinson disease (PD). ... -
Application of reinforcement learning to deep brain stimulation in a computational model of Parkinson's disease
(Journal article, 2019)Deep brain stimulation (DBS) has been proven to be an effective treatment to deal with the symptoms of Parkinson’s disease (PD). Currently, the DBS is in an open-loop pattern with which the stimulation parameters remain ... -
Aquatic Exercise Therapy for People With Parkinson Disease: A Randomized Controlled Trial
(Journal article, 2017)Objective To evaluate the effects of aquatic exercise therapy on gait variability and disability compared with usual care for people with Parkinson disease (PD). Design Single-blind randomized controlled trial. S ... -
Assessing and treating primary headaches and cranio-facial pain in patients undergoing rehabilitation for neurological diseases
(Journal article, 2017)Background Pain is a very common condition in patient undergoing rehabilitation for neurological disease; however the presence of primary headaches and other cranio-facial pains, particularly when they are actually or ... -
Avklaring av ansvars- og oppgavedeling mellom kommunene og spesialisthelsetjenesten på rehabiliteringsområdet
(Rapport;IS-1947, Report, 2012) -
Ballistic Resistance Training: Feasibility, Safety, and Effectiveness for Improving Mobility in Adults With Neurologic Conditions: A Systematic Review
(Journal article, 2020)Objectives To determine whether ballistic resistance training is feasible, safe, and effective in improving muscle strength, power generation, and mobility in adults with neurologic conditions. Data Sources Nine ... -
Barn med cerebral parese – erfaringer med regelmessig trening hos fysioterapeut.En kvalitativ intervjustudie
(Master thesis, 2010)Bakgrunn: Barn med cerebral parese (CP) vil trenge kontinuerlig og livslang behandling som blant annet ofte innebærer jevnlig fysioterapibehandling. Fysioterapi for barn innen habilitering og rehabilitering er et felt innen ... -
Befolkningens helsekompetanse, del I. The International Health Literacy Population Survey 2019–2021 (HLS19) – et samarbeidsprosjekt med nettverket M-POHL tilknyttet WHO-EHII. Rapport IS-2959
(Rapport;IS-2959, Research report, 2021)Norge har for første gang kartlagt helsekompetansen i et stort og representativt utvalg av befolkningen. Resultater viser at en vesentlig andel i befolkningen har varierte utfordringer med å forholde seg til helseinformasjon. ... -
Behandling av multippel sklerose under covid-19-pandemien
(Journal article, 2020)Pasienter med multippel sklerose behandles ofte med immunsuppressive medisiner og har ofte funksjonssvikt eller andre sykdommer. De kan derfor ha økt risiko for alvorlig forløp av covid-19 hvis de blir smittet av ...