Fall scenarios in causing older women´s hip fractures
Original version
Hagvide, M.L., Larsson, T.J., Borell, L. & Hägvide, M-L. (2013) Fall scenarios in causing older women´s hip fractures. Scandinavian journal of occupational therapy, 20(1), s. 21-28. 10.3109/11038128.2012.661456Abstract
Objective: falls and fall-related injuries among older women constitute a major public health problem with huge costs for the society and personal suffering. The aim of this study was to describe and illustrate how a number of circumstances, conceptualized as a scenario, that were related to the individual, the environment, and the ongoing occupation contributed to a fall that led to a hip fracture among women. The sample included 48 women over 55 years old. Methods: interviews were conducted during home visits and the analysis provided a descriptive picture of circumstances in the shape of a scenario related to the risk of falling. A number of scenarios were developed based on the data and named to provide an understanding of the interplay between the individual, the environment, and the ongoing occupation at the time of the fall. Results: by applying the concept of a scenario, occupational therapists can increase the awareness of fall risks among older people, and are relevant also for interior designers, architects, and town planners to consider when designing the local environment as well as furniture and other objects.
Artikkelen omhandler en studie hvor hensikten var å beskrive og illustrere hvordan en rekke omstendigheter – scenario – relatert til person, miljø, og pågående aktivitet bidro til et fall som førte til et hoftebrudd blant kvinner.