Fighting for control in an unpredictable life – a qualitative study of older persons’ experiences of living with chronic dizziness
Möller, Ulrika Olsson; Ekvall Hansson, Eva; Ekdahl, Charlotte; Midlöv, Patrik; Jakobsson, Ulf; Kristensson, Jimmie
Original version
Olsson Möller, U., Ekvall-Hansson, E., Ekdahl, C., Midlöv, P., Jakobsson, U. & Kristensson, J. (2014) Fighting for control in an unpredictable life - a qualitative study of older persons' experiences of living with chronic dizziness. BMC Geriatrics, 14, s. 97.
Dizziness in older people is associated with disability and reduced quality of life. Few studies have investigated how daily life is affected from the older person's perspective. Identifying barriers and resources in daily life could guide health care in how to direct efficient interventions. The aim of this study was to explore older persons' experiences of living with chronic dizziness.
Artikkelen omhandler en studie hvor hensikten var å undersøke eldre personers opplevelser av det å leve med kronisk svimmelhet.