Browsing Palliativ omsorg i kommunene by Title
Now showing items 3-22 of 42
Advance Care Planning in Nursing Homes – Improving the Communication Among Patient, Family, and Staff: Results From a Cluster Randomized Controlled Trial (COSMOS)
(Journal article, 2018)Introduction: The majority of nursing home (NH) patients suffer from complex diseases, including dementia. This makes advance care planning (ACP) particularly important. Objectives: The aim was to investigate the effect ... -
Alvorlig sykes erfaringer med å delta i støttegruppe ledet av frivillige - Seriously ill persons’ experiences with participation in a support group led by volunteers
(Journal article, 2017)Bakgrunn og hensikt: Å leve med en uhelbredelig alvorlig sykdom vil medføre komplekse fysiske og psykiske utfordringer som fører til et krevende sykdomsforløp. Hensikten med denne studien var å belyse alvorlig syke personers ... -
Ansattes erfaringer med Liverpool Care Pathway
(Journal article, 2015) -
Are emergency admissions in palliative cancer care always necessary? Results from a descriptive study
(Journal article, 2013)Objectives Patients with advanced cancer are often admitted to hospital as emergency cases. This may not always be medically indicated. Study objectives were to register the reasons for the emergency admissions, to examine ... -
Being a nurse in nursing home for patients on the edge of life
(Journal article, 2009)Nurses in nursing homes care for patients with complex health problems that need to be followed up by medical treatment. Most patients benefit from the treatment, but for some the treatment seems only to lengthen their ... -
Bereaved family members' perspectives on suffering among older rural cancer patients in palliative home nursing care: A qualitative study
(Journal article, 2017)Little is known about experiences with receiving home nursing care when old, living in a rural area, and suffering from end‐stage cancer. The aim of this study was thus to investigate bereaved family members' perceptions ... -
Drug treatment at the end of life: An epidemiologic study in nursing homes
(Journal article, 2014)Objective. To examine drug treatment in nursing home patients at the end of life, and identify predictors of palliative drug therapy. Design. A historical cohort study. Setting. Three urban nursing homes in Norway. Subjects. ... -
Ethical challenges in nursing homes – staff's opinions and experiences with systematic ethics meetings with participation of residents’ relatives
(Journal article, 2015)Background Many ethical problems exist in nursing homes. These include, for example, decision‐making in end‐of‐life care, use of restraints and a lack of resources. Aims The aim of the present study was to investigate ... -
Ethical decision-making in nursing homes: Influence of organizational factors
(Journal article, 2011)In this article we report findings from a qualitative study that explored how doctors and nurses in nursing homes describe professional collaboration around dying patients. The study also examined the consequences this can ... -
Evaluering av studiet «Pårørendearbeid innen lindrende omsorg»
(Rapportserien;9/2015, Report, 2015)Mange pårørende står i utfordrende omsorgsoppgaver uten nok støtte (Helse- og omsorgsdepartementet, 2011). En ny pårørendepolitikk er nødvendig, hvor det er svært viktig å ta vare på pårørende med store omsorgsbelastninger. ... -
Experiences and challenges of home care nurses and general practitioners in home-based palliative care – a qualitative study
(Journal article, 2018)Background Norway has one of the lowest home death rates in Europe. However, it is the health authorities´ ambition to increase this by facilitating palliative care at home. The aim of this study was to achieve more ... -
Forberedende samtaler i norske sykehjem
(Journal article, 2017)BAKGRUNN Sykehjemspasienter er ofte skrøpelige og har flere kroniske lidelser. Økt risiko for kritiske hendelser, sykehusinnleggelser og død peker på behovet for samtaler med pasient og pårørende om tiden fremover, hvordan ... -
From hospitals to nursing homes – the consequences of the Care Coordination Reform
(Journal article, 2017)Background: The coordination reform was introduced in January 2012 to ensure sustainability of health and care services. The transfer of responsibility for treatment from the specialist to the primary health service formed ... -
Gamle – og pasienter med demens – Omsorg ved livets slutt
(Journal article, 2012)I livets siste leveår vil det store flertall gamle og pasienter med demens trenge kompetent omsorg, pleie, vurdering og behandling, med respekt for deres livsprosjekt og verdighet. Alle vil i de siste måneder, uker, dager ... -
General practitioners' participation in cancer treatment in Norway
(Journal article, 2018)Introduction: General practitioners (GPs) participate in a patient’s cancer care to different extents at different times, from prevention and diagnosis to treatment and end-of-life care. Traditionally, the GP has had a ... -
Hjemmet som lindrende enhet for gamle døende
(Journal article, 2012)Personer med langtkommen sykdom og forestående død ønsker ofte lengst mulig hjemmetid. Samhandlingsreformen pålegger kommunehelsetjenesten større ansvar for blant annet eldre og døende. Dette kan medføre at flere må dø ... -
Hva er Tid som gave – et frivillighetsprosjekt for pasienter med kort forventet levetid og deres pårørende
(Journal article, 2018)Tid som gave er et prosjekt i Sandefjord kommune som går ut på å organisere frivillige som støtte til alvorlig syke pasienter med kort forventet levetid og til deres pårørende. Pasientene bor enten hjemme eller er innlagt ... -
Life-prolonging treatment in nursing homes: how do physicians and nurses describe and justify their own practice?
(Journal article, 2010)Background Making the right decisions, while simultaneously showing respect for patient autonomy, represents a great challenge to nursing home staff in the issues of life-prolonging treatment, hydration, nutrition and ... -
The Liverpool Care Pathway: discarded in cancer patients but good enough for dying nursing home patients? A systematic review
(Journal article, 2017)Background The Liverpool Care Pathway (LCP) is an interdisciplinary protocol, aiming to ensure that dying patients receive dignified and individualized treatment and care at the end-of-life. LCP was originally developed ... -
Læring og kompetanseutvikling i kommunehelsetenesta – ein intervjustudie av kreftsjukepleiarar
(Journal article, 2015)The number of cancer patients is expected to increase 30% by 2020. To meet the needs of seriously ill and dying cancer patients the community health service must be strengthened. There is little knowledge about the development ...