Blar i Palliativ omsorg i kommunene på forfatter "Hov, Reidun"
Being a nurse in nursing home for patients on the edge of life
Hov, Reidun; Athlin, Elsy; Hedelin, Birgitta (Journal article, 2009)Nurses in nursing homes care for patients with complex health problems that need to be followed up by medical treatment. Most patients benefit from the treatment, but for some the treatment seems only to lengthen their ... -
Evaluering av studiet «Pårørendearbeid innen lindrende omsorg»
Hov, Reidun; Kjøs, Bente Ødegård; Sveen, Silje; Sogstad, Maren (Rapportserien;9/2015, Report, 2015)Mange pårørende står i utfordrende omsorgsoppgaver uten nok støtte (Helse- og omsorgsdepartementet, 2011). En ny pårørendepolitikk er nødvendig, hvor det er svært viktig å ta vare på pårørende med store omsorgsbelastninger. ... -
Nursing care for patients on the edge of life in nursing homes: obstacles are overshadowing opportunities
Hov, Reidun; Hedelin, Birgitta; Athlin, Elsy (Journal article, 2012)Background. Patients in nursing homes have comprehensive needs for nursing care and medical treatment. Most patients benefit from the treatment, but some are ‘on the edge of life’‐in a borderland between living and dying ...