Browsing Omsorgsbiblioteket by Issue Date
Now showing items 21-40 of 1750
Qualitative research: standards, challenges, and guidelines
(Journal article, 2001)Qualitative research methods could help us to improve our understanding of medicine. Rather than thinking of qualitative and quantitative strategies as incompatible, they should be seen as complementary. Although procedures ... -
An evolutionary model of continuous improvement behaviour
(Journal article, 2001)In today's complex and turbulent environments the need for continuous improvements in products and processes is widely recognised. But the mechanisms whereby such a continual stream of innovation can be achieved are often ... -
Implementation of guidelines in primary health care. A challenge for the municipal health centres in Finland
(Journal article, 2001)Objective - To assess the implementation of guidelines in Finnish primary health care units. Design - A semi-quantitative analysis of a cross-sectional interview survey. Setting - All municipal health centres in a selected ... -
Integrated treatment of comorbid depression and substance use disorders
(Journal article, 2001)OBJECTIVE: The goals of this 6-month prospective study were to evaluate the effect of a current diagnosis of depression on the course and outcome of addiction treatment and to determine whether patients with depression ... -
Máŋggabealatvuohta ja ovttadássásašvuohta: ráđđehusa dearvvašvuođa- ja sosiálabálvalusaid doaibmaplána Norgga sápmelaččaid várás 2002-2005 / Mangfold og likeverd: regjeringens handlingsplan for helse- og sosialtjenester til den samiske befolkningen i Norge 2002-2005
(Others, 2001)Handlingsplan som følger opp tilrådingene i NOU 1995:6. Planen er inndelt i følgende kapitler: Likeverd som utfordring for helse- og sosialsektoren. Rollefordeling og samhandling. Samisk perspektiv på ulike tjenestefelt. ... -
Effectiveness Of Home Based Support For Older People: Systematic Review And Meta-Analysis
(Journal article, 2001)OBJECTIVE: To evaluate the effectiveness of home visiting programmes that offer health promotion and preventive care to older people. DESIGN: Systematic review and meta-analysis of 15 studies of home visiting. PARTICIPANTS: ... -
Hva vet vi om sitteputers trykkavlastende effekt?
(Journal article, 2001)Sammendrag. Denne artikkelen gir et sammendrag av en undersøkelse foretatt ved SINTEF Unimed høsten 2000. Målet med undersøkelsen var å gi en oversikt over hva som gjøres i forebyggende hensikt innenfor feltet sitting og ... -
Helse i et kulturperspektiv: en kvalitativ undersøkelse blant seks gamle mennesker i Kvænangen gjennom et prosjekt om helse og livssyn hos eldre
(Master thesis, 2002)Denne oppgaven bygger på kvalitative intervju av 6 gamle mennesker i Kvænangen. Dette arbeidet har to hensikter: For det første å lære om kvalitativ metode som arbeidsform og samtalen som arbeidsredskap. Dernest å la de ... -
A risk assessment scale for the prediction of pressure sore development: reliability and validity
(Journal article, 2002)Background. The ability to assess the risk of a patient developing pressure sores is a major issue in pressure sore prevention. Risk assessment scales should be valid, reliable and easy to use in clinical practice. Aim. ... -
Discrepancies between patients and professionals in the assessment of patient needs: a quantitative study of Norwegian mental health care
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2002)Fagfolk og pasienter viste tydelig uenighet med hensyn til mengde og type behov som var til stede. Spesielt fagfolk identifiserte flere behov enn pasienter (9,3 vs. 4,3, henholdsvis) og denne forskjellen var preget av et ... -
Home Visits to Prevent Nursing Home Admission and Functional Decline in Elderly People: Systematic Review and Meta-regression Analysis
(Journal article, 2002)CONTEXT: The effects of home visitation programs to prevent functional decline in elderly persons have been inconsistent, and the value of these programs is controversial. OBJECTIVE: To evaluate the effect of preventive ... -
Losing My Mind: An Intimate Look at Life with Alzheimer's
(Others, 2002)"We are foolish, those of us who think we can escape the traps of aging," writes Tom DeBaggio. "I was one of them, dreaming of a perfect and healthy old age....Now, at fifty-eight, I realize the foolishness of my dreams ... -
Riktigere medisinlister ved multidosepakking?
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2003)Bakgrunn: hjemmesykepleien i en bydel i Oslo ønsket å undersøke om kjøp av multidosepakkede legemidler til brukerne medførte en kvalitetsgevinst i forhold til manuell fylling av dosetter. Materiale og metode: vi inkluderte ... -
Prediction of falls among older people in residential care facilities by the Downton index
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2003)Background and aims: falls are frequent among older people living in residential care facilities. The aim of this study was to investigate the prediction accuracy of the Downton fall risk index among older people living ... -
Feil i medikamentkortene – en helserisiko?
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2003)Bakgrunn: for pasienter som får medisiner administrert via hjemmesykepleien, er det en forutsetning for forsvarlig medisinsk praksis at medikamentkortene i journalene hos fastlege og i hjemmesykepleien stemmer overens. ... -
Oppfølging av plan for helse- og sosialtjenester til den samiske befolkning i Norge
(Research report, 2003)Målet med evalueringen var å beskrive, analysere og vurdere oppfølgingen av NOU 1995:6 Plan for helse- og sosialtjenester til den samiske befolkningen i Norge. Evalueringen har en kvalitativ metodisk tilnærming hvor ... -
Fall and Injury Prevention in Residential Care—Effects in Residents with Higher and Lower Levels of Cognition
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2003)To evaluate the effectiveness of a multifactorial fall and injury prevention program in older people with higher and lower levels of cognition. A preplanned subgroup comparison of the effectiveness of a cluster‐randomized, ... -
Multidisciplinary medication review in nursing home residents: what are the most significant drug-related problems? The Bergen District Nursing Home (BEDNURS) study
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2003)Aim: based on a multidisciplinary review of drug use in nursing home residents, this study aimed to identify the most frequent clinically relevant medication problems and to analyse them according to the drugs involved and ... -
Bobath or motor relearning programme? A follow-up one and four years post stroke
(Journal article, 2003)Objective: The purpose of this follow-up one and four years post stroke was to find out whether the initial physiotherapy approach had had any long-term effects on mortality, motor function, postural control, activities ... -
Consumer participation in mental health services: looking from a consumer perspective
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2003)Artikkelen beskriver brukermedvirkning ut i fra et konsument- perspektiv, og forfatterne hevder sykepleiere står i en genuin stilling i forhold til implementering av brukermedvirkning.