• Complex Roots and Branches of Antisocial Behavior 

      Ogden, T. (Chapter, 2014)
      This chapter describes the roots and branches of antisocial behavior, or the developmental precursors and consequences of antisocial behavior in children and youth. In addition to focusing on antisocial behavior, it also ...
    • Making sense of implementation theories, models, and frameworks 

      Nilsen, P. (Chapter, 2020)
      This chapter presents a taxonomy that distinguishes among different categories of theories, models and frameworks used in implementation science. The chapter describes five categories of theoretical approaches that achieve ...
    • National, Regional and Global Radiology and Medical Imaging Referral Guidelines: Issues and Opportunities 

      Lau, L. (Chapter, 2014)
      This chapter focuses on the access to and use of referral guidelines in radiology and medical imaging worldwide. The rationale; national, regional and global actions; development and implementation processes; and issues ...
    • "På jobb er jeg helt normal". Arbeid, bedring og psykisk lidelse 

      Selseng, M.; Henriksen, N. (Chapter, 2015)
      Bokkapittelet beskriver arbeidets betydning i bedringsprosesser for personer med moderat til alvorlig psykisk lidelse. Hensikten er å løfte frem disse personenes erfaringer og opplevelser med å arbeide og hvilken betydning ...
    • Qualitative Content Analysis 

      Schreier, M. (Chapter, 2014)
      The wide range of approaches to data analysis in qualitative research can seem daunting even for experienced researchers. This handbook is the first to provide a state-of-the art overview of the whole field of QDA; from ...
    • Supported Decision Making 

      Douglas, J.; Bigby, C. (Chapter, 2020)
      Examines impact of preference and choice making on self-determination and other valued outcomes for individuals with disabilities Explores preference and choice within disability service and policy contexts Discusses ...