Browsing Forebyggende og helsefremmende hjemmebesøk til eldre by Title
Now showing items 41-60 of 71
Hvilken betydning har forebyggende hjemmebesøk? - En kvalitativ studie av eldre menneskers erfaringer
(Journal article, 2016)Bakgrunn: Det finnes en omfattende forskningslitteratur knyttet til helseeffekter av forebyggende hjemmebesøk til eldre, men det etterlyses mer kvalitativ forskning for å forstå hvilken betydning tilbudet har for de eldres ... -
Interventions to prevent disability in frail community-dwelling older persons: an overview
(Journal article, 2010)This narrative review was conducted to provide an overview of the variety of interventions aimed at disability prevention in community-dwelling frail older persons and to summarize promising elements. The search strategy ... -
Lov om folkehelsearbeid (folkehelseloven)
(Others, 2012) -
Modell for forebyggende hjemmebesøk
(Others, 2017) -
Multi-component health promotion and disease prevention for community-dwelling frail elderly persons: a systematic review
(Journal article, 2009)The objective was to investigate definitions of frailty used in studies of multi-component health promotion and disease-preventive (HPDP) intervention programmes for community-dwelling frail elderly persons and to review ... -
Multidimensional Preventive Home Visit Programs for Community-Dwelling Older Adults: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis of Randomized Controlled Trials
(Journal article, 2008)Background: Multidimensional preventive home visit programs aim at maintaining health and autonomy of older adults and preventing disability and subsequent nursing home admission, but results of randomized controlled trials ... -
Nasjonal helse- og omsorgsplan: 2011-2015
(Others, 2011) -
Norsk pasientregister. (2013)
(Others, 2013) -
Older people and preventive home visits
(Report, 2006)In 1996, national preventive efforts for the elderly were introduced in Denmark with a general offer of home visits by preventive staff.The focal point of the preventive home visits has been the functional decline and the ... -
Older Users' Perspectives on the Benefits of Preventive Home Visits
(Journal article, 2015)In this article we explore older people’s perspectives on the benefits of preventive home visits (PHVs), after long-term follow-up. PHVs are health services intended to promote older people’s health and independence, prevent ... -
Preventive Home Visits for Mortality, Morbidity, and Institutionalization in Older Adults: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis
(Journal article, 2014)BACKGROUND: Home visits for older adults aim to prevent cognitive and functional impairment, thus reducing institutionalization and mortality. Visitors may provide information, investigate untreated problems, encourage ... -
Preventive home visits to older people are cost-effective
(Journal article, 2008)Aims: There is ongoing debate over the effectiveness of preventive home visits (PHVs) for the elderly. A municipality in the north of Sweden carried out a controlled trial of such visits. Healthy seniors aged 75 years and ... -
Prop. 1 S (2013-2014). For budsjettåret 2014
(Others, 2013) -
Prosjektrapport forebyggende hjemmebesøk. Stavanger
(Report, 2012) -
Rundskriv om forebyggende hjemmebesøk i kommunene
(Others, 2016) -
Samtaleguiden for helsefremmende og forebyggende hjemmebesøk
(Others, 2013) -
Scoping reviews: time for clarity in definition, methods, and reporting
(Journal article, 2014)Objectives: The scoping review has become increasingly popular as a form of knowledge synthesis. However, a lack of consensus on scoping review terminology, definition, methodology, and reporting limits the potential of ...