Browsing Helse- og omsorgstjenester til den samiske befolkning i Norge by Title
Now showing items 78-97 of 117
Sami-speaking municipalities and control group's access to somatic specialist health care (SHC): a retrospective study on general practitioners' referrals
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2012)Objectives: the Sami people constitute the indigenous people in northern Norway. The objective of this study was to clarify whether they have a similar supply of somatic specialist health care (SHC) as others. Methods: the ... -
Samisk artikulasjon : melankoli, tap og forsoning i en (nord)norsk hverdag ; Sami Articulation: Melancholia, Loss and Reconciliation in a (North) Norwegian Everyday Life
(Doctoral thesis, 2014)I denne avhandlingen undersøker jeg empirisk hvordan samisk tilstedeværelse, tap og forsoning artikuleres i hverdagen og dets praksiser hos unge, voksne samer. Jeg vil undersøke hvordan deltakerne i prosjektet kommuniserer ... -
Samisk statistikk 2014 / Sámi statistihkka 2014
(Research report, 2014)Rapporten inneholder statistikk med relevans for samiske samfunnsforhold i Norge. Den er en videreutvikling av publikasjoner som er offentliggjort hvert annet år siden 2006. Statistikken rapporten presenterer, har i hovedsak ... -
Samisktalende er mindre fornøyd med legetjenestene
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2006)Bakgrunn: regjeringens handlingsplan for helse- og sosialtjenester har som mål at den samiske befolkningen skal ha et like godt møte med helse- og sosialtjenestene som den øvrige befolkningen. Formålet med denne studien ... -
Sansehager - et tilpasset utemiljø for personer med demens
(Journal article, 2006)Forfatteren tar utgangspunkt i hvilke utfordringer personer med demens har, og viser til at Handlingsplan for eldreomsorgen (1997-2004) medførte en endring av bomiljø i sykehjem, spesielt for personer med demens. Statlig ... -
Sápmelašvuohta eallá gorudis / Samen sitter i kroppen
(Journal article, 2007)Artikkelen handler om grenseområdene mellom det samiske og det norske. Forfatteren tar utgangspunkt i samiske eldre i Oslo, deres familie, kulturelle og språklige utfordringer i møtet med helsevesenet i Oslo, samt de ... -
Sápmi i Noreg i dag
(Journal article, 2017)Tema for artikkelen er urfolksperspektiv i læreplanarbeid og demokratiundervisning. I artikkelen tydeliggjøres hva som ligger i begrepet urfolk og urfolksperspektiv. Forfatteren beskriver fornorskningspolitikken og at denne ... -
Secret knowledge: the management and transformation of traditional healing knowledge in the Marka Sámi villages
(Master thesis, 2010)This thesis discusses Sámi traditional healing knowledge regarding the debate of preserving traditional knowledge, and aims to examine the management and the challenges of transformation of it in a particular Sami community: ... -
Should traditional healing be integrated within the mental health services in Sámi areas of northern Norway?: patient views and related factors
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2009)OBJECTIVES: the purpose of this study was to evaluate whether including traditional healing methods within mental health services is desirable among users of these services in Sámi areas of northern Norway. STUDY DESIGN: ... -
Situasjonen til samer med funksjonsnedsettelse
(Report, 2016)Denne rapporten er skrevet på oppdrag fra Nordens Velferdssenter (NVC), og er sluttrapporten til det kvalitative norske delprosjektet ”Mennesker med funksjonsnedsettelser og samisk bakgrunn”. Formålet med prosjektet har ... -
Sluttrapport- Personer med funksjonsnedsettelse med samisk bakgrunn
(Report, 2017)Målet för projektet Personer med funksjonsnedsettelse med samisk bakgrunn har varit att få fram forskningsbaserad kunskap om levnadsförhållanden som exempelvis utbildning, arbete, boende, hälsa och fritid för samer med ... -
Socioeconomic characteristics and health outcomes in Sami speaking municipalities and a control group in norther Norway
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2012)Objectives: the Sami people constitute an ethnic minority in northern Norway. The objectives of this study were to compare municipalities with a majority of Sami in the population and a control group with regard to ... -
"Something decent to wear": performances of being an insider and an outsider in Indigenous research
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2015)The point of departure for this article is the commitment in Indigenous research to reflect Indigenous contexts and worldviews. Based on an analysis of a story from my own research, I argue that Indigenous contexts (rather ... -
Speaking on behalf of the person with dementia in home-based care. A qualitative study of collaboration between formal and family caregivers in Sami and Norwegian municipalities
(Doctoral thesis, 2017)Studien «Speaking on behalf of the person with dementia in home-based care» viser en rekke krevende barrierer for samhandling i demensomsorg i norske kommuner. Disse barrierene har negativ påvirkning på hvilke hjelpetilbud ... -
Struggles of being and becoming: a dialogical narrative analysis of the life stories of Sami elderly
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2013)The Sami are an indigenous people living in Norway, Sweden, Finland, and Russia. Historically, national states have made strong efforts to assimilate the Sami people into the majority populations, and the Sami have experienced ... -
The construction of Sami identity, health, and old age in policy documents and life stories: a discourse analysis and a narrative study
(Doctoral thesis, 2013)Dagens eldre samer har levd sine liv i en historisk periode preget av store sosiale endringer når det gjelder situasjonen til det samiske folk. De har opplevd den historiske perioden preget av assimilasjonspolitikk og ... -
The influence of cultural background in intercultural dementia care: exemplified by Sami patients
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2013)Aim: To gain knowledge about how the original culture may influence communication and interaction with institutionalised patiens with dementia and of what particular cultural aspects may come to the fore, exemplified by ... -
The need for and barriers to professional help – a qualitative study of the bereaved in Sámi areas
(Journal article, 2014)In order to secure appropriate follow-up for the bereaved after traumatic death among indigenous groups in Norway, this study aims to acquire specific and local knowledge conserning their need for help and to examine whether ... -
“The Old Sami” – who is he and how should he be cared for?: a discourse analysis of Norwegian policy documents regarding care services for elderly Sami
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2013)This study examined four policy documents published by the Norwegian government from 1995 to 2009 describing issues regarding the provision of public services to elderly Sami in Norway. Adopting a Foucauldian discourse ... -
The Sami-living conditions and health
(Journal article, 2008)The aim of this Special Issue is to show the diversity of living conditions among the Sami and their consequences on the health and rates of disease among this population living in the Sami areas of Norway, Sweden, Finland ...