Palliativ omsorg
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Frivillighet i palliativ omsorg i kommunene - En oppsummering av kunnskap
(Oppsummering nr;38, Research report, 2023)Dette er en oppsummering av kunnskap om frivillighet i palliativ omsorg i kommunene. Frivillighet i palliativ omsorg dreier seg om ubetalt innsats for personer med kort forventet levetid. Innsatsen kan for eksempel ta form ... -
The Liverpool Care Pathway: discarded in cancer patients but good enough for dying nursing home patients? A systematic review
(Journal article, 2017)Background The Liverpool Care Pathway (LCP) is an interdisciplinary protocol, aiming to ensure that dying patients receive dignified and individualized treatment and care at the end-of-life. LCP was originally developed ... -
Safety and Effectiveness of Palliative Drug Treatment in the Last Days of Life—A Systematic Literature Review
(Journal article, 2018)Context Dying patients commonly experience potentially distressing symptoms. Palliative care guidelines recommend opioids, anticholinergics, antipsychotics, and benzodiazepines for symptom relief. Objectives The ... -
Læring og kompetanseutvikling i kommunehelsetenesta – ein intervjustudie av kreftsjukepleiarar
(Journal article, 2015)The number of cancer patients is expected to increase 30% by 2020. To meet the needs of seriously ill and dying cancer patients the community health service must be strengthened. There is little knowledge about the development ... -
Spenningsfeltet mellom standardisering, variasjon og prioritering i norske sykehjem
(Journal article, 2018)Etablering av tjenestestandarder har til hensikt å regulere, endre og forbedre fagutøveres arbeid, noe som skal føre til at tjenestene får jevnere og bedre kvalitet. Standarder i den norske helse- og omsorgssektoren er ... -
Ansattes erfaringer med Liverpool Care Pathway
(Journal article, 2015) -
Older patients with late‐stage COPD: Their illness experiences and involvement in decision‐making regarding mechanical ventilation and noninvasive ventilation
(Journal article, 2018)Aims and objectives To explore the illness experiences of older patients with late‐stage chronic obstructive pulmonary disease and to develop knowledge about how patients perceive their preferences to be taken into account ... -
Gamle – og pasienter med demens – Omsorg ved livets slutt
(Journal article, 2012)I livets siste leveår vil det store flertall gamle og pasienter med demens trenge kompetent omsorg, pleie, vurdering og behandling, med respekt for deres livsprosjekt og verdighet. Alle vil i de siste måneder, uker, dager ... -
Drug treatment at the end of life: An epidemiologic study in nursing homes
(Journal article, 2014)Objective. To examine drug treatment in nursing home patients at the end of life, and identify predictors of palliative drug therapy. Design. A historical cohort study. Setting. Three urban nursing homes in Norway. Subjects. ... -
Evaluering av studiet «Pårørendearbeid innen lindrende omsorg»
(Rapportserien;9/2015, Report, 2015)Mange pårørende står i utfordrende omsorgsoppgaver uten nok støtte (Helse- og omsorgsdepartementet, 2011). En ny pårørendepolitikk er nødvendig, hvor det er svært viktig å ta vare på pårørende med store omsorgsbelastninger. ... -
Pain in older persons with severe dementia. Psychometric properties of the Mobilization–Observation–Behaviour–Intensity–Dementia (MOBID‐2) Pain Scale in a clinical setting
(Journal article, 2010)Background: To assess pain in older persons with severe dementia is a challenge due to reduced self‐report capacity. Recently, the development and psychometric property testing of the Mobilization–Observation–Behaviour–I ... -
Are emergency admissions in palliative cancer care always necessary? Results from a descriptive study
(Journal article, 2013)Objectives Patients with advanced cancer are often admitted to hospital as emergency cases. This may not always be medically indicated. Study objectives were to register the reasons for the emergency admissions, to examine ... -
Being a nurse in nursing home for patients on the edge of life
(Journal article, 2009)Nurses in nursing homes care for patients with complex health problems that need to be followed up by medical treatment. Most patients benefit from the treatment, but for some the treatment seems only to lengthen their ... -
Nursing care for patients on the edge of life in nursing homes: obstacles are overshadowing opportunities
(Journal article, 2012)Background. Patients in nursing homes have comprehensive needs for nursing care and medical treatment. Most patients benefit from the treatment, but some are ‘on the edge of life’‐in a borderland between living and dying ... -
Advance care planning in life-threatening pulmonary disease: a focus group study
(Journal article, 2018)Advance care planning (ACP) is a communication process for mapping a patient's wishes and priorities for end-of-life care. In preparation for the introduction of ACP in Norway, we wanted to explore the views of Norwegian ... -
General practitioners' participation in cancer treatment in Norway
(Journal article, 2018)Introduction: General practitioners (GPs) participate in a patient’s cancer care to different extents at different times, from prevention and diagnosis to treatment and end-of-life care. Traditionally, the GP has had a ... -
Hva er Tid som gave – et frivillighetsprosjekt for pasienter med kort forventet levetid og deres pårørende
(Journal article, 2018)Tid som gave er et prosjekt i Sandefjord kommune som går ut på å organisere frivillige som støtte til alvorlig syke pasienter med kort forventet levetid og til deres pårørende. Pasientene bor enten hjemme eller er innlagt ... -
Older persons’ experiences of adapting to daily life at home after hospital discharge: a qualitative metasummary
(Journal article, 2019)Background Researchers have shown that hospitalisation can decrease older persons’ ability to manage life at home after hospital discharge. Inadequate practices of discharge can be associated with adverse outcomes and an ... -
Hjemmet som lindrende enhet for gamle døende
(Journal article, 2012)Personer med langtkommen sykdom og forestående død ønsker ofte lengst mulig hjemmetid. Samhandlingsreformen pålegger kommunehelsetjenesten større ansvar for blant annet eldre og døende. Dette kan medføre at flere må dø ... -
Nursing home leaders’ and nurses’ experiences of resources, staffing and competence levels and the relation to hospital readmissions – a case study
(Journal article, 2018)Background Thirty-day hospital readmissions represent an international challenge leading to increased prevalence of adverse events, reduced quality of care and pressure on healthcare service’s resources and finances. There ...