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dc.contributor.authorCato, C.
dc.contributor.authorÖdman, S.
dc.identifier.citationCato, C. & Ödman, S. (2017). Sjuksköterskors erfarenhet av förebyggande omvårdnadsåtgärder mot trycksår och undernäring. Kandidatexamen, Högskolan Dalarna.
dc.description.abstractBackground: There is an established correlation between malnutrition and development of pressure ulcers. The incidence of malnutrition among patients has increased in recent years despite that risk assessment instruments exist in the organisations. Pressure ulcers remain one of the most common adverse event with a negative impact on the patients’ quality of life and lack of patient-safety. Aim: The aim of this study was to describe nurses’ work on preventive measures against pressure ulcers and malnutrition. Method: The study was conducted as a literature review including 19 articles, published between 2008-2018, with quantitative, qualitative and mixed-methods approaches. Searches were made in the PubMed and CINAHL databases. The articles were quality-reviewed, analyzed and compiled into a result. Results: Nurses appear to have positive attitudes to preventive measures towards pressure ulcers and malnutrition while the level of knowledge was generally low. Nurses valued their own clinical judgement high and felt that lack of time, high workload and severely ill patients constituted obstacles to adequate application of preventive measures. Organisational shortcomings emerged for the adequate use and implementation of risk assessment instruments. Lack of guidelines and work routines for preventive work could result in a deficient patient safety. Conclusion: The results show that the majority of nurses value nutrition in the preventive work but the level of knowledge and the application of measures were generally low. Introduction of guidelines could lead to increased knowledge and implementation of pressure ulcers and nutritional treatment in clinical work.en_US
dc.subjectpressure ulceren_US
dc.subjectrisk assessmenten_US
dc.titleSjuksköterskors erfarenhet av förebyggandeomvårdnadsåtgärder mot trycksår och undernäring: - En litteraturöversikten_US
dc.typeStudent paper, othersen_US

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