Skeive eldre og helse- og omsorgstjenester
Recent Submissions
The provision of healthcare services to older LGBT adults in the Nordic countries: a scoping review
(Journal article, 2023)Objectives Our objectives were to examine what is known about the provision of healthcare services to older LGBT adults in the Nordic countries, identify knowledge gaps, map implications of this research for the education ... -
Sammenfatning av forskning fra Norden om helse- og omsorgstjenester til skeive eldre
(Others, 2023)Monika Dybdahl Jakobsen og Martin Sollund Krane fra Senter for omsorgsforskning nord har sammen med Janne Bromseth ved Østlandsforskning og Anna Siverskog ved Södertörns högskola sammenfattet forskningen fra Norden om ... -
Queera livslopp: Att leva och åldras som lhbtq-person i en heteronormativ värld
(Doctoral thesis, 2016)This study is based on life-course interviews with 20 LGBTQ-identified people, born between 1922 and 1950, 62-88 years old at the time of the interviews. Older LGBTQ-identified people have experienced tremendous changes ... -
Helse- og omsorgsbehov blant eldre lesbiske og homofile
(Fafo-rapport;2010:38, Report, 2010)Lesbiske og homofile eldre skiller seg fra andre eldre på flere måter. For det første vet vi at det er færre blant homofile og lesbiske enn i befolkningen for øvrig som har egne barn som kan bistå med hjelp og støtte i ... -
LGBQ-Specific Elderly Housing as a “Sparkling Sanctuary”: Boundary Work on LGBQ Identity and Community in Relationship to Potential LGBQSpecific Elderly Housing in Sweden
(Journal article, 2018)This study explored how boundaries in relationship to community and identity were created and negotiated among lesbian, gay, bisexual, and queer (LGBQ) people within the framework of picturing LGBQ-specific elderly housing ... -
“They Just Don’t Have a Clue”: Transgender Aging and Implications for Social Work
(Journal article, 2014)This article explores transgender aging, drawing from life story interviews with transgender adults aged 62–78. The analysis focuses on 3 themes: intersections of age and gender during the life course, lack of knowledge ... -
Lesbians’ and gay men’s narratives about attitudes in nursing
(Journal article, 2009)Many nurses find it difficult to show compassion and sensitivity, and to give gay patients nursing of a quality equal to that given to heterosexual patients. The aim of the present study was to describe the experiences of ... -
Sygepleje til ældre LGBT-personer
(Journal article, 2018)Artiklen ønsker at skabe et sygeplejefagligt fokus på ældre LGBT-personer. I Danmark skønnes der at være 68.000 LGBT-personer over 65 år. Flere internationale studier viser, at ældre LGBT-personer specifikt oplever: – ... -
Transgender Competence in Social Work with Older Adults in Sweden
(Journal article, 2021)Despite a growing transgender aging population with differing needs and care preferences, professional knowledge on gender identity and expression is still limited. This study examines Swedish social workers’ knowledge, ... -
‘I don’t want to go back into the closet just because I need care’: recognition of older LGBTQ adults in relation to future care needs
(Journal article, 2020)There is increasing awareness in research about the social service needs of older LGBTQ adults. However, there are few studies that deal with differences in this community regarding elder care services. As a rule, transgender ... -
Sammenfatning av forskning om kompetansen som kreves for å få mer inkluderende tjenester til eldre LGBT-personer
(Others, 2021)Den kanadiske forskeren Maude Lecompte har sammen med tre kolleger laget en systematisk oversikt over forskning (eng.: scoping review) om inkluderende helse- og omsorgstjenester til eldre LGBT-personer, der de har gjennomgått, ... -
Subcultural Spaces: LGBTQ Aging in a Swedish Context
(Journal article, 2019)This study takes its starting point in the Swedish context to explore experiences of community among older lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, or queer (LGBTQ) adults. Using life story interviews with 33 self-identified ... -
LGBT+ Training Needs for Health and Social Care Professionals: A Cross‑cultural Comparison Among Seven European Countries
(Journal article, 2022)Introduction Research suggests that specific training on LGBT+ issues may improve the competencies and skills of health and social care (HSC) professionals, which reduces the negative attitudes toward LGBT+ people. Despite ...