Recent Submissions
Alcohol Consumption Over the Retirement Transition in Sweden: Different Trajectories Based on Education
(Journal article, 2022)Retirement is a major life transition that involves changes to everyday routines, roles, and habits. Previous studies suggest that retirement may influence drinking habits. Many natural inhibitors of alcohol consumption ... -
Social integration and alcohol consumption among older people: A four-year follow-up of a Swedish national sample
(Journal article, 2019)Background Today’s older people drink more alcohol than earlier cohorts of older people. Social integration has been identified as an important factor for older people’s drinking, but the association is complex. This study ... -
Alcohol and older people from a public health perspective
(Journal article, 2012)Objectives and methods As part of the European project VINTAGE, a systematic review of scientific literature was undertaken to document the evidence base on the impact of alcohol on the health and well-being of older ... -
Scoping studies: towards a methodological framework
(Journal article, 2005)This paper focuses on scoping studies, an approach to reviewing the literature which to date has received little attention in the research methods literature. We distinguish between different types of scoping studies and ... -
Helseatlas for psykisk helsevern og rusbehandling: Oversikt og analyse i bruk av psykisk helsevern og tverrfagleg spesialisert behandling av ruslidingar i Noreg for åra 2014–2018
(Helse Førde HF rapport;1/2020, Report, 2020)Bakgrunn For å få betre kunnskap om variasjon i bruk av helsetenester, gav Helse- og omsorgsdepartementet Helse Nord RHF og Helse Vest RHF oppdrag om å utvikle ei nasjonal helseatlasteneste. Helse Førde utfører oppdraget ... -
Alkoholbruk blant eldre: En oppsummering av kunnskap
(Oppsummering nr;33, Research report, 2023)Dette er en oppsummering av kunnskap om alkoholbruk blant eldre, basert på Arksey og O’Malleys metodiske rammeverk for scoping reviews. Oppsummeringen inkluderer 51 forsknings- og utviklingsarbeider som har empiri fra ...