Blar i Omsorgsbiblioteket på tittel
Viser treff 1086-1105 av 1752
Nurses’ information exchange during older patient transfer: Prevalence and associations with patient and transfer characteristics
(Journal article, 2013)Introduction: To ensure continuity of care, it is important to effectively communicate the health status of older patients who are transferred between health care organizations. The objectives of this study were to: (1) ... -
Nursing care for patients on the edge of life in nursing homes: obstacles are overshadowing opportunities
(Journal article, 2012)Background. Patients in nursing homes have comprehensive needs for nursing care and medical treatment. Most patients benefit from the treatment, but some are ‘on the edge of life’‐in a borderland between living and dying ... -
Nursing documentation of pressure ulcers in nursing homes: comparison of record content and patient examinations
(Journal article, 2016)Aim The aim of this study was to describe the accuracy and quality of nursing documentation of the prevalence, risk factors and prevention of pressure ulcers, and compare retrospective audits of nursing documentation with ... -
Nursing home leaders’ and nurses’ experiences of resources, staffing and competence levels and the relation to hospital readmissions – a case study
(Journal article, 2018)Background Thirty-day hospital readmissions represent an international challenge leading to increased prevalence of adverse events, reduced quality of care and pressure on healthcare service’s resources and finances. There ... -
Nursing home leaders’ and nurses’ experiences of resources, staffing and competence levels and the relation to hospital readmissions – a case study
(Journal article, 2018)Background Thirty-day hospital readmissions represent an international challenge leading to increased prevalence of adverse events, reduced quality of care and pressure on healthcare service’s resources and finances. There ... -
Nursing Home Physicians Discuss Caring for Elderly Residents: An Exploratory Study
(Journal article, 2018)Despite the increasing complexity of nursing home care, the role of physicians caring for residents is largely unexplored. This international, exploratory study sought to learn about physicians’ roles, responsibilities, ... -
Nutritional screening of older home-dwelling Norwegians: a comparison between two instruments
(Journal article, 2012)Background: It is important to obtain knowledge about the prevalence of nutritional risk and associated factors among older home-dwelling people in order to be able to meet nutritional chal- lenges in this group in the ... -
Nutritional self-care among a group of older home-living people in rural Southern Norway
(Journal article, 2015)Background: Older home-living people are an at-risk group for undernutrition, particularly those who are living alone. Lack of knowledge about healthy dietary habits, altered taste sensation, and declined health status are ... -
Nutritional self-care in two older Norwegian males: a case study
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2013)Background: knowledge about how to support nutritional self-care in the vulnerable elderly living in their own homes is an important area for health care professionals. The aim of this case study was to evaluate the effects ... -
Nutritional Status According to Mini Nutritional Assessment in an Institutionalized Elderly Population in Sweden
(Journal article, 2000)Background: In 1992, local municipalities in Sweden took over full responsibility for the long-term care of elderly. This has led to an increased care burden for the various assisted accommodation services run by the ... -
Nutritional status among older residents with dementia in open versus special care units in municipal nursing homes: an observational study
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2013)Background: undernutrition is widespread among institutionalised elderly, and people suffering from dementia are at particularly high risk. Many elderly with dementia live in open units or in special care units in nursing ... -
Nutritional Status and Duration of Overnight Fast among Elderly Residents in Municipal Nursing Homes in Oslo
(Journal article, 2013)Aim: To examine the duration of overnight fast and the significance of having an overnight fast below or above 11 hrs with respect to nutritional status among elderly nursing home residents. Background: Elderly nursing ... -
Nutritional Status and Duration of Overnight Fast among Elderly Residents in Municipal Nursing Homes in Oslo
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2013)Aim: to examine the duration of overnight fast and the significance of having an overnight fast below or above 11 hrs with respect to nutritional status among elderly nursing home residents. Background: elderly nursing ... -
Nutritional status in elderly people admitted to community residential homes: comparisons between two cohorts
(Journal article, 2006)The aim was to describe nutritional status and socio-demographic and medical data in people who were newly admitted to community residential homes (cohort 2), and to compare the results with a previous study performed in ... -
Nutritional status, well-being and functional ability in frail ederly service flat residents
(Journal article, 2005)Objective: To investigate nutritional status and its relationship to cognition, well-being, functional ability and energy intake in frail elderly service flat residents. Design: Cross-sectional and prospective study. ... -
Ny app kan gi ernæringsstøtte til hjemmeboende eldre
(Journal article, 2016)Background: Risk of malnutrition is a common problem among home-dwelling elderly, and we have explored if an application on tablets offers new opportunities to prevent nutritional risk. We developed APPETITT; a tablet ... -
Ny kunnskap- ny praksis. Et nytt psykisk helsevern
(Others, 2011)Et grunnleggende mål i vår velferdsstat er gode helsetjenester for borgerne. Opptrappingsplanen for psykisk helse (1996 – 2008) setter kvalitative mål for helsetjenesten, og vi har et økende fokus på beslutnings- og ... -
Nye former for kommunal forretningsvirksomhet – utfordringer og muligheter
(Journal article, 2012)Norske kommuner driver i dag mange ulike former for forretningsvirksomhet. I denne artikkelen gis det først noen teoretiske rammer for å diskutere problemer knyttet til kontraktstyring av kommunal forretningsvirksomhet. ... -
De nye hjemmetjenestene: langt mer enn eldreomsorg: utvikling og status i yngres bruk av hjemmebaserte tjenester 1989-2007
(NIBR prosjektrapport;2010:2, Report, 2010)Rapporten dokumenterer utvikling, endret innretning og status i hjemmebaserte tjenester blant bruker under 67 år etter hovedårsak til hjelpebehovet; utviklingshemming, psykisk lidelse eller somatisk sykdom. Den viser også ... -
Nye trender innen arbeid og psykisk helse – sett i sammenheng med recovery
(Journal article, 2014)Artikkelen handler om nye trender innen arbeid og psykisk helse sett i sammenheng med recovery-tenkning. En forutsetning for økt arbeidsinkludering av mennesker med psykiske helseproblemer er at de eksisterende tjenestene ...