Browsing Velferdsteknologi by Document Types "Journal article"
Now showing items 1-20 of 21
A systematic review of electronic multi-compartmentmedication devices with reminder systems for improvingadherence to self-administered medications
(Journal article, 2016)Background Many patients experience difficulties adhering to medication regimes. For people who forget or get confused about medication, there are products to help them such as multi‐compartment medication devices (MMDs). ... -
Acute hospital admissions among nursing home residents: a population-based observational study
(Journal article, 2011)Background Nursing home residents are prone to acute illness due to their high age, underlying illnesses and immobility. We examined the incidence of acute hospital admissions among nursing home residents versus the ... -
An e-health platform for the elderly population: The butler system
(Journal article, 2011)The Butler system is an e-health platform designed to improve the elderly population’s quality of life. The Butler system has three applications diagnostic, therapeutic and playful. The objective of this work is to present ... -
An instrument for assessing lean service adoption
(Journal article, 2013)Purpose – The purpose of this paper is to develop and empirically validate an instrument containing operational measures of lean service. The instrument is intended for use by both researchers and practitioners. Desi ... -
Collaborative innovation in the public sector
(Journal article, 2010)This article claims that there is a need for a new form of innovation in the public sector because bureaucratic (closed) ways of innovating do not yield the quantity and quality of innovations necessary to solve emergent ... -
Effectiveness and feasibility of virtual reality and gaming system use at home by older adults for enabling physical activity to improve healthrelated domains: a systematic review
(Journal article, 2014)Background: use of virtual reality and commercial gaming systems (VR/gaming) at home by older adults is receiving attention as a means of enabling physical activity. Objective: to summarise evidence for the effectiveness ... -
Ethical challenges with welfare technology: a review of the literature
(Journal article, 2013)Demographical changes in high income counties will increase the need of health care services but reduce the number of people to provide them. Welfare technology is launched as an important measure to meet this challenge. ... -
Factors influencing acceptance of technology for aging in place: A systematic review
(Journal article, 2014)Purpose To provide an overview of factors influencing the acceptance of electronic technologies that support aging in place by community-dwelling older adults. Since technology acceptance factors fluctuate over time, a ... -
GPS som hjelpemiddel for personer med orienteringsvansker
(Journal article, 2017)Personer med kognitiv svikt og orienteringsvansker kan ha nytte av lokaliseringsteknologi (GPS) for å kunne bevege seg trygt omkring på egen hånd. Denne artikkelen beskriver brukeres refleksjoner over det å være bærer av ... -
Hvilken nytte har hjemmeboende med hjelpebehov av velferdsteknologi?
(Journal article, 2017)Hensikten med studien var å undersøke hvilke erfaringer utprøving av velferdsteknologi kan gi hjemmeboende brukere av omsorgstjenester. Studien ble gjennomført i to kommuner i Oppland som deltok i Det nasjonale ... -
Information Technology for the Welfare of Mankind
(Journal article, 1984)THE PRINCIPAL thrust of activities within the IEEE Systems, Man, and Cybernetics Society is the development and use of the methods of systems engineering, together with the strongest of emphasis on human-system interaction ... -
Nye former for kommunal forretningsvirksomhet – utfordringer og muligheter
(Journal article, 2012)Norske kommuner driver i dag mange ulike former for forretningsvirksomhet. I denne artikkelen gis det først noen teoretiske rammer for å diskutere problemer knyttet til kontraktstyring av kommunal forretningsvirksomhet. ... -
(Journal article, 2016)Studier av tidligere forskning viser at det er et gap i litteraturen om pilotprosjekters betydning for tjenesteinnovasjon/-utvikling, og dette gapet søker vi å utforske i vårt arbeid. Vi har valgt et multicase design, hvor ... -
Promoting older adults' well-being through Internet training and use
(Journal article, 2007)The purpose of the current research was to test the psychological impact of learning how to use computers and the Internet in old age, hypothesizing that such activities would contribute to seniors’ well-being and personal ... -
Senior residents' perceived need of and preferences for "smart home" sensor technologies
(Journal article, 2008)Objectives: The goal of meeting the desire of older adults to remain independent in their home setting while controlling healthcare costs has led to the conceptualization of “smart homes.” A smart home is a residence ... -
Telecare – where, when, why and for whom does it work? A realist evaluation of a Norwegian project
(Journal article, 2017)Introduction Evaluations of telecare demonstrate disparate results, which are of little help for understanding what the users need from further policy and development. This study aims to provide a more nuanced approach ... -
The aging population: demographics and the biology of aging
(Journal article, 2016)Epidemiologic studies show that 11% of the world's population is over 60 years of age; this is projected to increase, by 2050, to 22% of the population. Oral aging is a current focus of several organizations including the ... -
The Personal Emergency Response System as a Technology Innovation in Primary Health Care Services: An Integrative Review
(Journal article, 2016)Background: Most western countries are experiencing greater pressure on community care services due to increased life expectancy and changes in policy toward prioritizing independent living. This has led to a demand for ... -
Trygg hjemme - Ansattes erfaringer med deltakelse i det nasjonale velferdsteknologiprogrammet
(Journal article, 2017)Artikkelen beskriver erfaringene til ansatte i to kommuner som deltok i Det nasjonale velferdsteknologiprogrammet (DNV) med et felles prosjekt. Formålet er å undersøke erfaringene til de ansatte i et prosjekt der ... -
Velferdsteknologi i sentrum (VIS) - evaluering av velferdsteknologi fra et tjenestedesignperspektiv
(Journal article, 2017)Artikkelen beskriver erfaringer fra VIS-prosjektet som ble satt i gang av fire Oslo-bydeler i 2014. Videre presenteres den kvalitative evalueringen av tjenestene rundt velferdsteknologiene Pilly, Mobil trygghetsalarm og ...