In the mountains one feels like a dog off the leash - Sámi perceptions of welfare and its influencing factors
Original version
Tervo, H. og Nikkonen, M. (2010) "In the mountains one feels like a dog off the leash": Sámi perceptions of welfare and its influencing factors. Vård i Norden : Nordic journal of nursing research, 30(4), s. 9-14.
The Sámi in Finland have statutory rights that recognize their cultural needs in customer service situations within social and Iwatili care. The aim of this study is to describe and understand Sami's perception of their welfare and its influencing factors. The study is part of an ethnographic research project aiming to examine Sámi health as a cultural phenomenon. The study was carried out using ethnographic fieldwork method in the Sámi area of Finland. The data was gathered by interviews, observation and informal discussion. According to the findings the Sámi who took part in this study have a holistic health view prevalent among indigenous peoples. Nature and environment formed the basis of well-being for the Sámi and their well-being is also inseparable from traditional Sámi livelihoods, values and philosophy.
Artikkel om finske samers egne oppfatninger om egen helse og velferd og hva som påvirker dette.