Implementation of incident reporting systems in Norwegian nursing homes from a management perspective – a pilot study
Original version
Lafton, H. og Fagerstrøm, L. (2011) Implementation of incident reporting systems in Norwegian nursing homes from a management perspective - a pilot study. Nursing Science & Research in the Nordic Countries, 31(2), s. 45-47.
An incident reporting system is important for continual improvement in nursing homes. The purpose of this study is to describe the extent to which Norwegian nursing homes have implemented incident reporting systems from a management perspective. The study is a cross-sectional study with a quantitative and descriptive design, and is conducted by sending questionnaires to a sample of Norwegian municipalities. A total of 30 responded to the survey and all had established an incident reporting system, but the findings indicate that we have failed to integrate the systems in practice. A large drop-off makes the results hard to generalize, and there is a need for further research and monitoring of status.
Artikkelen beskriver en studie hvor hensikten var å beskrive i hvilken grad norske sykehjem har implementert system for avvikshåndtering fra et ledelsesperspektiv. Studien er gjennomført ved å sende spørreskjema til et utvalg norske kommuner. Totalt 30 svarte på undersøkelsen, og alle hadde etablert en hendelse rapporteringssystem, men funnene tyder på at vi ikke har klart å integrere systemene i praksis.