Sykepleie og helsefremming blant pasienter i palliativ omsorg
Original version
André, B. og Ringdal G.I. (2015): «Sykepleie og helsefremming blant pasienter i palliativ omsorg». Klinisk Sygepleje, 02. Hentet fra
This article provides an overview of the nursing role and responsibility in regard to dying patients and how a health promotion perspective may contribute to a good and dignified death. The experience of death and dying which can have serious consequences for both the dying person and the family’s grief work and health in the period after death is also discussed. Factors that emphasize a health promotion perspective of palliative care patients and their families will be presented and discussed. All approaches to the patients and their families must be based on the individual and adjusted context and framework. The possibility of monitoring the bereaved after the death is emphasized as an important health promotion intervention.