Nye registreringer

  • Architecture and Ageing: On the Interaction between Frail Older People and the Built Environment 

    Andersson, Jonas E. (Doctoral thesis, 2011)
    This doctoral thesis deals with the type of architecture that materializes when age-related problems become a long-term condition (LTC) and gradually restrain the individual’s ability to perform activities in daily life ...
  • Predictors of happiness among retired from urban and rural areas in Brazil 

    Amorim, Silvia Miranda; França, Lucia Helena de F. P.; Valentini, Felipe (Journal article, 2018)
    This study compared differences in degree of happiness, social support, activities performed, and health and economic situation among retirees from urban and rural areas in Minas Gerais State in Brazil. The influences of ...
  • Et aldersvennlig Norge 

    Jacobsen, Frode F.; Sundsbø, Astrid Ouahyb (Oppsummering nr;14, Report, 2020)
    Senter for omsorgsforskning (SOF) har fått i oppdrag å lage en kunnskapsoppsummering for temaområdet «aldersvennlige samfunn» og fire andre temaområder i oppdragsavtale av 23.01.19. De andre fire tematiske hovedområdene; ...