Browsing Implementering av retningslinjer og veiledere by Issue Date
Now showing items 1-20 of 57
Implementation of guidelines in primary health care. A challenge for the municipal health centres in Finland
(Journal article, 2001)Objective - To assess the implementation of guidelines in Finnish primary health care units. Design - A semi-quantitative analysis of a cross-sectional interview survey. Setting - All municipal health centres in a selected ... -
The PARIHS framework—a framework for guiding the implementation of evidence-based practice
(Journal article, 2004)Against a background of rising health costs, a management ethos of “doing things right,” and a drive for quality improvement, evidence-based healthcare has evolved. It has emerged as one of the dominant themes of practice, ... -
What drives change? Barriers to and incentives for achieving evidence-based practice
(Journal article, 2004)To bridge the gap between scientific evidence and patient care we need an in-depth understanding of the barriers and incentives to achieving change in practice. Various theories and models for change point to a multitude ... -
Explaining variation in GP referral rates for x-rays for back pain
(Journal article, 2006)Background Despite the availability of clinical guidelines for the management of low back pain (LBP), there continues to be wide variation in general practitioners' (GPs') referral rates for lumbar spine x-ray (LSX). This ... -
Why don’t physicians adhere to guideline recommendations in practice? An analysis of barriers among Dutch general practitioners
(Journal article, 2009)Background Despite wide distribution and promotion of clinical practice guidelines, adherence among Dutch general practitioners (GPs) is not optimal. To improve adherence to guidelines, an analysis of barriers to ... -
Fostering implementation of health services research findings into practice: a consolidated framework for advancing implementation science
(Journal article, 2009)Background Many interventions found to be effective in health services research studies fail to translate into meaningful patient care outcomes across multiple contexts. Health services researchers recognize the need to ... -
A Multifaceted Strategy for Implementation of the Ottawa Ankles Rules in Two Emergency Departments
(Journal article, 2009)Problem Despite widespread acceptance of the Ottawa ankle rules for assessment of acute ankle injuries, their application varies considerably. Design Before and after study. Background and setting Emergency departments ... -
Kompetanseheving for helsepersonell i demensomsorgen. En kunnskapsbasert retningslinje tilpasset ved hjelp av ADAPTE metoden
(Master thesis, 2011)Sammendrag Bakgrunn: Demografiske tall viser en kraftig økning i antall eldre, og høy alder er den største risikofaktoren for demenssykdom. Myndighetene sier at det i det kommunale planarbeidet skal settes fokus på ... -
What is a planning model? An introduction to PRECEDE‐PROCEED
(Journal article, 2011)Planning models exist at a macroscopic level; they serve as an organizing framework for an entire health promotion effort aimed at fostering reduction in a given disease. A particularly useful, widely applied, and ... -
Implementing nutrition guidelines for older people in residential care homes: a qualitative study using normalization process theory
(Journal article, 2012)Background Optimizing the dietary intake of older people can prevent nutritional deficiencies and diet-related diseases, thereby improving quality of life. However, there is evidence that the nutritional intake of older ... -
Guidelines can harm patients too
(Journal article, 2012) -
Barriers and Enablers to Implementation of a New Zealand‐Wide Guideline for Assessment and Management of Cardiovascular Risk in Primary Health Care: A Template Analysis
(Journal article, 2012)Aim: The aim of this study was to identify the enablers and barriers to guideline implementation in a primary healthcare setting by employing the Promoting Action on Research Implementation in Health Services (PARIHS) ... -
Adaptation of international evidence based clinical practice guidelines: The ADAPTE process
(Journal article, 2013)Evidence-based clinical practice guidelines are important tools to unify practice and improve patient’s outcomes in terms of morbidity and mortality. The generation of EBCPGs is not an easy task. It requires a lot of ... -
Nasjonal faglig retningslinje for forebygging og behandling av underernæring
(Others, 2013)Alle pasienter skal vurderes for risiko for underernæring ved innleggelse i helse- og omsorgsinstitusjon og ved oppstart av helse- og omsorgstjenester, og deretter etter en gitt frekvens, eller etter et annet faglig begrunnet ... -
På jakt etter god praksis: En studie om iverksetting av faglige retningslinjer i kommunen
(Master thesis, 2013)Studien har som formål å utvikle ny kunnskap omkring hvilke faktorer der fremmer iverksetting av faglige retningslinjer i kommunen. En kvalitativ metode er nyttet og de empiriske undersøkelser baserer seg på telefonintervju ... -
Communication and dissemination strategies to facilitate the use of health-related evidence
(Journal article, 2013)Objectives: This review examined how to best communicate and disseminate evidence, including uncertain evidence, to inform health care decisions. The review focused on three primary objectives—comparing the effectiveness ... -
Evaluering av handlingsplanen for å fremme likestilling og hindre etnisk diskriminering
(NIBR prosjektrapport;2013:11, Report, 2013)NIBR har på oppdrag fra Barne-, likestillings- og inkluderingsdepartementet (BLD) gjennomført evaluering av handlingsplan for å fremme likestilling og hindre etnisk diskriminering (2009–2012). Sentrale problemstillinger ... -
Riksrevisjonens undersøkelse av effektivitet og resultatoppnåelse i Helsedirektoratet
(Others, 2013)Målet med revisjonen har vært å vurdere om Helsedirektoratet forvalter sine oppgaver effektivt, om ledelsen har etablert hensiktsmessige systemer for styring og oppfølging av virksomheten, og om Helse- og omsorgsdepartementet ... -
Complex Roots and Branches of Antisocial Behavior
(Chapter, 2014)This chapter describes the roots and branches of antisocial behavior, or the developmental precursors and consequences of antisocial behavior in children and youth. In addition to focusing on antisocial behavior, it also ...