Blar i Fall og pasientsikkerhet på utgivelsesdato
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Prediction of falls among older people in residential care facilities by the Downton index
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2003)Background and aims: falls are frequent among older people living in residential care facilities. The aim of this study was to investigate the prediction accuracy of the Downton fall risk index among older people living ... -
Fall and Injury Prevention in Residential Care—Effects in Residents with Higher and Lower Levels of Cognition
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2003)To evaluate the effectiveness of a multifactorial fall and injury prevention program in older people with higher and lower levels of cognition. A preplanned subgroup comparison of the effectiveness of a cluster‐randomized, ... -
Impact of a community-based osteoporosis and fall prevention program on fracture incidence
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2005)Associations between a 10-year community-based osteoporosis and fall prevention program and fracture incidence amongst middle-aged and elderly residents in an intervention community are studied, and comparisons are made ... -
Fall prediction and a high-intensity functional exercise programme to improve physical functions and to prevent falls among older people living in residential care facilities
(Doctoral thesis, 2006)Impairments in balance, mobility, and lower-limb strength are common in the growing population of older people and can lead to dramatic consequences for the individual, such as dependency in activities of daily living, ... -
Fallskjermprosjektet: Fagutvikling i praksis. Fallforebyggende arbeid med eldre
(Report, 2006)Fallskjermprosjektet er et fagutviklingsprosjekt som har hatt som mål å videreutvikle kommunefysioterapeuters kompetanse i arbeidet med eldre med fallproblematikk. Deltakerne var fysioterapeuter ansatt i Enhet for ... -
High-intensity functional exercise program and protein-enriched energy supplement for older persons dependent in activities of daily living: a randomised controlled trial
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2006)The aims of this randomised controlled trial were to determine if a high-intensity functional exercise program improves balance, gait ability, and lower-limb strength in older persons dependent in activities of daily living ... -
A high-intensity functional weight-bearing exercise program for older people dependent in activities of daily living and living in residential care facilities
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2006)Background and Purpose: knowledge concerning the applicability and the effect of high-intensity exercise programs is very limited for older people with severe cognitive and physical impairments. The primary aim of this ... -
Fall blant pasienter i hjemmet og i sykehjem og betydning av tverrfaglighet og mestring
(Master thesis, 2007)Fall er et stort og økende problem for eldre kvinner og menn i den vestlige verden. En rekke forskningsrapporter dokumenterer at det er mulig å forebygge fall, og tverrfaglige tiltak har vist størst effekt. Fallforebygging ... -
WHO Global Report on Falls Prevention in Older Age
(Research report, 2007)The WHO Falls Prevention for Active Ageing model provides an action plan for making progress in reducing the prevalence of falls in the older adult population. By building on the three pillars of falls prevention, the model ... -
A multifactorial fall prevention programme in home-dwelling elderly people: a randomized-controlled trial
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2007)Objectives: to describe the implementation and the effects of a multifactorial fall prevention trial on the specified risk factors of falling, incidence of falls and injurious falls, and on specified secondary outcome ... -
Falls and fall risk among nursing home residents
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2008)The aim of this study was to identify risk factors for falls in older people living in nursing homes. Impaired cognitive function and a poor sense of orientation could lead to an increase in falls among those with impaired ... -
A randomized controlled trial of fall prevention by a high-intensity functional exercise program for older people living in residential care facilities
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2008)BACKGROUND AND AIMS: falls are particularly common among older people living in residential care facilities. The aim of this randomized controlled trial was to evaluate the effectiveness of a high-intensity functional ... -
Kan fall og fallskader hos eldre forebygges? Prosjekt i regi av Eldrerådet Nord-Trøndelag og Midtre Namdal Region
(Report, 2009)Nord-Trøndelag fylkes eldreråd har gjennom ett prosjekt i samarbeid med kommunene i Midtre Namdal Region sett på om forebygging av fall og skader som følge av fall hos den eldre befolkningen har effekt. Målsettingen har ... -
Balancing integrity vs. risk of falling – nurses’ experiences of caring for elderly people with dementia in nursing homes
(Journal article, 2009)Dementia is recognized as being a major risk for falls that cause suffering and increase dependency for the individual. The purpose of this study was to explore registered nurses’ and nurse assistants’ experiences of caring ... -
Cost-effectiveness in fall prevention for older women
(Journal article, 2009)The aim of this study was to estimate the cost-effectiveness of implementing an exercise-based fall prevention programme for home-dwelling women in the 80-year age group in Norway. Methods: the impact of the home-based ... -
Falls risk among a very old home-dwelling population
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2009)The aim of this prospective study was to examine risk factors of falling in a very old home-dwelling population. Design: a prospective study of home-dwelling elderly people. Methods: baseline data were collected by ... -
Falls in very old people: the population-based Umeå 85+ Study in Sweden
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2009)The aim of this study was to describe incidences of falls and fall-related injuries, and to identify predisposing factors for falls in very old people in a prospective population-based follow-up study for falls. The study ... -
Effects of risk-based multifactorial fall prevention on postural balance in the community-dwelling aged: a randomized controlled trial
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2009)Abstract: the purpose of the study was to assess the effects of 12-month risk-based multifactorial fall prevention program on postural control of the aged. Five hundred and ninety-one (97%) eligible subjects were randomized ... -
Forebygging av fall hos eldre i sykehus og sykehjem
(Others, 2010)Bakgrunn: En nasjonal pasientsikkerhetskampanje, med planlagt oppstart i 2011, er under forberedelse. For å støtte beslutningsprosessen rundt valg av innsatsområder og tiltak, har vi foretatt en hurtigoppsummering av ... -
Trygg på to bein: en prosjektrapport
(Report, 2010)Befolkningen i Norge oppnår stadig høyere alder og mange eldre opplever å få redusert helse og funksjonsnivå med påfølgende inaktivitet som konsekvens. Inaktivitet er en risikofaktor for fall og kan medføre at flere eldre ...