Underernæring og pasientsikkerhet: Nye registreringer
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Underernæring og pasientsikkerhet blant eldre i kommunene - En oppsummering av kunnskap
(Oppsummering;11/2018, Research report, 2018-11)Utfordringsbildet Underernæring er et betydelig problem blant eldre brukere av kommunale helse- og omsorgstjenester. Forekomsten av underernæring varierer fra 20 til 71 % blant sykehjemspasienter, og 20–78 % befinner seg ... -
Quality indicators of nutritional care practice in elderly care
(Journal article, 2017)Objectives: The aim is to explore the effects of antecedent, structural and process quality indicators of nutritional care practice on meal satisfaction and screened nutritional status among older adults in residential ... -
Body mass index, mini nutritional assessment, and their association with five-year mortality in very old people
(Journal article, 2015)Objectives: To investigate the prevalence of malnutrition and the association between Body Mass Index (BMI), Mini Nutritional Assessment (MNA) and five-year mortality in a representative population of very old (>85 years) ... -
Malnutrition, functional ability and mortality among older people aged ⩾60 years: a 7-year longitudinal study
(Journal article, 2016)BACKGROUND/OBJECTIVES: This study aimed to assess the association between risk of malnutrition and 7-year mortality, controlling for functional ability, socio-demographics, lifestyle behavior and diseases, and investigate ... -
Individually adjusted meals for older people with protein-energy malnutrition: A single-case study
(Journal article, 2001)• The objective of this study was to investigate the effect of a 3‐month intervention programme consisting of meals based on individual nutritional requirements in residents assessed as protein‐energy malnourished on ... -
Ernæringskartlegginga i heimesjukepleien kan betrast
(Journal article, 2017)Bakgrunn: Halvparten av dei eldre med heimesjukepleie er underernærte eller står i fare for å bli det. Nasjonale faglege retningslinjer og Kosthandboka gir råd om korleis helsetenesta kan førebygge og behandle underernæring. ... -
The effects of nutritional guideline implementation on nursing home staff performance: a controlled trial
(Journal article, 2017)Suboptimal nutritional practices in elderly care settings may be resolved by an efficient introduction of nutritional guidelines. To compare two different implementation strategies, external facilitation (EF) and educational ... -
Samhandling mellom sykepleier og lege er viktig for ernæringstilstanden til sykehjemspasienter
(Journal article, 2017)Bakgrunn: Ernæringsarbeidet i sykehjem er både nødvendig og viktig helsehjelp. Ved mange sykehjem inngår ernæringsarbeidet som et samarbeid mellom flere faggrupper og fagpersoner. Forskning og tilsyn har avdekket at mellom ... -
Prevalence and association of undernutrition with quality of life among Swedish people aged 60 years and above: Results of the SNAC-B study
(Journal article, 2015)Objectives: This study aimed to assess the prevalence of undernutrition among elderly and to investigate the association of risk of undernutrition with health-related quality of life and life satisfaction controlling for ... -
Nutritional status, well-being and functional ability in frail ederly service flat residents
(Journal article, 2005)Objective: To investigate nutritional status and its relationship to cognition, well-being, functional ability and energy intake in frail elderly service flat residents. Design: Cross-sectional and prospective study. ... -
High degree of BMI misclassification of malnutrition among Swedish elderly population: age-adjusted height estimation using knee height and demispan
(Journal article, 2014)BACKGROUND/OBJECTIVES: The degree of misclassification of obesity and undernutrition among elders owing to inaccurate height measurements is investigated using height predicted by knee height (KH) and demispan equations. ... -
Do study circles and a nutritional care policy improve nutritional care in a short- and long-term perspective in special accommodations?
(Journal article, 2010)BACKGROUND: Disease-related malnutrition is a major health problem in the elderly population and management issues are under-explored. OBJECTIVES: What is the prevalence of undernutrition-risk (UN-risk), underweight, and ... -
Study circles improve the precision in nutritional care in special accommodations
(Journal article, 2009)Disease-related malnutrition is a major health problem in the elderly population, but it has until recently received very little attention, especially are management issues under-explored. By identifying residents at the ... -
Nutritional status in elderly people admitted to community residential homes: comparisons between two cohorts
(Journal article, 2006)The aim was to describe nutritional status and socio-demographic and medical data in people who were newly admitted to community residential homes (cohort 2), and to compare the results with a previous study performed in ... -
Strategies to implement community guidelines on nutrition and their long-term clinical effects in nursing home residents
(Journal article, 2015)Objectives: Studies on implementation techniques that focus on nutrition in the setting of elderly care are scarce. The aims of this study were to compare two implementation strategies i.e., external facilitation (EF) and ... -
Patient safety culture in Norwegian home health nursing: a cross-sectional study of healthcare provider’s perceptions of the teamwork and safety climates
(Journal article, 2017)Background: The threefold aim of this study was to (1) describe attitudes to patient safety among healthcare providers in home health nursing (HHN), (2) investigate differences in attitudes due to age, education level, ... -
Underernæring hos eldre hjemmeboende personer med demens
(Journal article, 2013)Bakgrunn: Eldre personer med hukommelsestap er svært utsatt for underernæring. Tidligere studier har i hovedsak fokusert på pasienter som bor på institusjon. Hensikt: Hensikten med denne studien er å kartlegge og belyse ... -
Nutritional Status According to Mini Nutritional Assessment in an Institutionalized Elderly Population in Sweden
(Journal article, 2000)Background: In 1992, local municipalities in Sweden took over full responsibility for the long-term care of elderly. This has led to an increased care burden for the various assisted accommodation services run by the ... -
Body mass index and mortality in elderly men and women: the Tromsø and HUNT studies
(Journal article, 2010)BACKGROUND: The impact of body mass index (BMI; kg/m(2)) and waist circumference (WC) on mortality in elderly individuals is controversial and previous research has largely focused on obesity. METHODS: With special attention ... -
Self-reported nutritional competence and -practice among health care workers at nursing homes in two Norwegian municipalities : a cross-sectional study
(Master thesis, 2017)Background: Malnutrition is common in elderly. Possible causes are multimorbidity and natural changes from ageing. Aim: The aim of this study was to describe nutritional competence and nutritional practice among health ...