Blar i Omsorgsbiblioteket på utgivelsesdato
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A Ladder Of Citizen Participation
(Journal article, 1969)The heated controversy over “citizen participation,” “citizen control”, and “maximum feasible involvement of the poor,” has been waged largely in terms of exacerbated rhetoric and misleading euphemisms. To encourage a more ... -
Information Technology for the Welfare of Mankind
(Journal article, 1984)THE PRINCIPAL thrust of activities within the IEEE Systems, Man, and Cybernetics Society is the development and use of the methods of systems engineering, together with the strongest of emphasis on human-system interaction ... -
NOU 1985:1. Videreutviklingen av bedriftsdemokratiet
(Norges offentlige utredninger;1985:1, Others, 1985) -
From transactional to transformational leadership: Learning to share the vision
(Journal article, 1990) -
Report of the CACL task force on alternatives to guardianship
(Report, 1992)This report presents a new conceptual framework for decision making. It is based on an enabling model which recognises a person's right to make decisions concerning their own life with the support of family and friends. A ... -
An operant approach to rehabilitation medicine: overcoming learned nonuse by shaping
(Journal article, 1994)A new approach to the rehabilitation of movement, based primarily on the principles of operant conditioning, was derived from research with deafferented monkeys. The analysis suggests that a certain proportion of excess ... -
NOU 1995: 6. Plan for helse- og sosialtjenester til den samiske befolkning i Norge
(Others, 1995)Det overordnede mål for denne planen er likeverdige helse- og sosialtjenester til den norske og den samiske befolkning. Utvalget har slått fast at det i Norge må være en integrert og samordnet helse- og sosialtjeneste for ... -
The Goffman Prize Lecture: Masculine Domination Revisited
(Journal article, 1996) -
Community action and reflective practice in health promotion research
(Journal article, 1997)While health promotion practitioners are engaging increasingly in research, there has been little examination of the practical dilemmas they may face in negotiating and collaborating with academics and community members ... -
Exploring the concept of user involvement in mental health through a participation continuum
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 1998)Artikkelen belyser hvordan man kan implementere brukermedvirkning i større grad i psykisk helsearbeid. -
Den kroppsnære pleierelasjonen: Pasientar sine opplevingar av pleie dei fekk som nyopererte
(Master thesis, 1999)Dette er ein studie om nyopererte pasientar sine erfaringar med den kroppsnære pleie etter ein større tarm operasjon. Studien som er basert på intervju med 12 pasientar (åtte menn og fire kvinner)viser at pleiarane hadde ... -
Nutritional Status According to Mini Nutritional Assessment in an Institutionalized Elderly Population in Sweden
(Journal article, 2000)Background: In 1992, local municipalities in Sweden took over full responsibility for the long-term care of elderly. This has led to an increased care burden for the various assisted accommodation services run by the ... -
Burden in Caregivers of Cognitively Impaired Older Adults Living in the Community: Methodological Issues and Determinants
(Journal article, 2000)Considerable burden is reported by informal caregivers of older individuals with cognitive impairment. Significant progress in the understanding of determinants of this burden has been achieved. However, further progress ... -
To Err Is Human: Building a Safer Health System
(Book, 2000)This report lays out a comprehensive strategy by which government, health care providers, industry, and consumers can reduce preventable medical errors. Concluding that the know-how already exists to prevent many of these ... -
De forstår ikke hva som er viktig for oss. Helsetjenester og sørsamer
(Research report, 2000)Denne undersøkelsen er et resultat av et oppfølgingsprosjekt av NOU 1995:6: Plan for helse- og sosialtjenester til den samiske befolkningen i Norge. I utredningen påpekes det flere svakheter i helse- og sosialtjeneste- ... -
Freire's Message for Social Workers
(Journal article, 2000)This paper re-examines key concepts in Paulo Freire's popular education approach and their compatibility with social work philosophy and practice on the group and community levels. Freire's vision of the field of social ... -
Bekkenbunnstrening og urininkontinens – tren deg tett!
(Journal article, 2000)Urininkontinens er et stort helseproblem særlig blant kvinner. Prevalenstallene varierer mellom 8 % og 52 %. Urininkontinens kan behandles med kirurgi, medikamenter og ulike former for trening av bekkenbunnsmusklene. ... -
Effects of preventive home visits to elderly people living in the community: systematic review
(Journal article, 2000)Objective: To assess the effects of preventive home visits to elderly people living in the community. Design: Systematic review. Setting: 15 trials retrieved from Medline, Embase, and the Cochrane controlled trial register. ... -
Individually adjusted meals for older people with protein-energy malnutrition: A single-case study
(Journal article, 2001)• The objective of this study was to investigate the effect of a 3‐month intervention programme consisting of meals based on individual nutritional requirements in residents assessed as protein‐energy malnourished on ... -
What Does it Mean to Listen to People with Dementia?
(Journal article, 2001)A total of 19 people with dementia were interviewed as part of a study into unmet respite care need amongst caregivers and day-care attenders in Shef eld. Some important contextual debates associated with conducting social ...