Blar i Palliativ omsorg i kommunene på utgivelsesdato
Viser treff 1-20 av 42
Relatives in end‐of‐life care – part 1: a systematic review of the literature the five last years, January 1999–February 2004
(Journal article, 2006)Aim. To review systematically research conducted during the past five years focusing on the relatives’ situation and needs in end‐of‐life care. Background and aim. That relatives make a large contribution in the care ... -
Being a nurse in nursing home for patients on the edge of life
(Journal article, 2009)Nurses in nursing homes care for patients with complex health problems that need to be followed up by medical treatment. Most patients benefit from the treatment, but for some the treatment seems only to lengthen their ... -
Pain in older persons with severe dementia. Psychometric properties of the Mobilization–Observation–Behaviour–Intensity–Dementia (MOBID‐2) Pain Scale in a clinical setting
(Journal article, 2010)Background: To assess pain in older persons with severe dementia is a challenge due to reduced self‐report capacity. Recently, the development and psychometric property testing of the Mobilization–Observation–Behaviour–I ... -
Life-prolonging treatment in nursing homes: how do physicians and nurses describe and justify their own practice?
(Journal article, 2010)Background Making the right decisions, while simultaneously showing respect for patient autonomy, represents a great challenge to nursing home staff in the issues of life-prolonging treatment, hydration, nutrition and ... -
Ethical decision-making in nursing homes: Influence of organizational factors
(Journal article, 2011)In this article we report findings from a qualitative study that explored how doctors and nurses in nursing homes describe professional collaboration around dying patients. The study also examined the consequences this can ... -
Nursing care for patients on the edge of life in nursing homes: obstacles are overshadowing opportunities
(Journal article, 2012)Background. Patients in nursing homes have comprehensive needs for nursing care and medical treatment. Most patients benefit from the treatment, but some are ‘on the edge of life’‐in a borderland between living and dying ... -
Gamle – og pasienter med demens – Omsorg ved livets slutt
(Journal article, 2012)I livets siste leveår vil det store flertall gamle og pasienter med demens trenge kompetent omsorg, pleie, vurdering og behandling, med respekt for deres livsprosjekt og verdighet. Alle vil i de siste måneder, uker, dager ... -
Hjemmet som lindrende enhet for gamle døende
(Journal article, 2012)Personer med langtkommen sykdom og forestående død ønsker ofte lengst mulig hjemmetid. Samhandlingsreformen pålegger kommunehelsetjenesten større ansvar for blant annet eldre og døende. Dette kan medføre at flere må dø ... -
Are emergency admissions in palliative cancer care always necessary? Results from a descriptive study
(Journal article, 2013)Objectives Patients with advanced cancer are often admitted to hospital as emergency cases. This may not always be medically indicated. Study objectives were to register the reasons for the emergency admissions, to examine ... -
Smertekartlegging og medikamentell smertebehandling av eldre samtykkekompetente pasienter i sykehjem
(Journal article, 2013)Bakgrunn: Internasjonale og nasjonale studier viser at forekomsten av smerter hos eldre ved sykehjem varierer mellom 20 prosent og 80 prosent. Smerter hos eldre blir ofte underrapportert og underbehandlet og assosieres med ... -
Palliasjon i rurale strøk: lindrende omsorg for eldre kreftpasienter som bor hjemme. En systematisk litteraturstudie
(Rapport / Høgskolen i Nord-Trøndelag;88, Research report, 2013)Det finnes generelt lite kunnskap om eldre med kreft, og spesielt når kreften når et avansert stadium og krever palliativ tilnærming. Samtidig som det kan forventes at geografiske helseulikheter vil øke i takt med en økende ... -
Pårørende til aleneboende personer med demens - Erfaringer fra samarbeid med hjemmetjenesten etter ny organisering
(Journal article, 2014)Bakgrunn: Økende antall mennesker som rammes av demens vil utfordre samfunnet på en moderne pårørendepolitikk bygd på likestilling og partnerskap mellom brukere, pårørende og omsorgstjenesten. Hensikt: Beskrive pårørendes ... -
Drug treatment at the end of life: An epidemiologic study in nursing homes
(Journal article, 2014)Objective. To examine drug treatment in nursing home patients at the end of life, and identify predictors of palliative drug therapy. Design. A historical cohort study. Setting. Three urban nursing homes in Norway. Subjects. ... -
“Picking up the pieces”—Meanings of receiving home nursing care when being old and living with advanced cancer in a rural area
(Journal article, 2015)Rural home nursing care is a neglected area in the research of palliative care offered to older cancer patients. Because access to specialized services is hampered by long distances and fragmented infrastructure, palliative ... -
Læring og kompetanseutvikling i kommunehelsetenesta – ein intervjustudie av kreftsjukepleiarar
(Journal article, 2015)The number of cancer patients is expected to increase 30% by 2020. To meet the needs of seriously ill and dying cancer patients the community health service must be strengthened. There is little knowledge about the development ... -
Evaluering av studiet «Pårørendearbeid innen lindrende omsorg»
(Rapportserien;9/2015, Report, 2015)Mange pårørende står i utfordrende omsorgsoppgaver uten nok støtte (Helse- og omsorgsdepartementet, 2011). En ny pårørendepolitikk er nødvendig, hvor det er svært viktig å ta vare på pårørende med store omsorgsbelastninger. ... -
Ansattes erfaringer med Liverpool Care Pathway
(Journal article, 2015) -
Sykepleie og helsefremming blant pasienter i palliativ omsorg
(Journal article, 2015)This article provides an overview of the nursing role and responsibility in regard to dying patients and how a health promotion perspective may contribute to a good and dignified death. The experience of death and dying ... -
Ethical challenges in nursing homes – staff's opinions and experiences with systematic ethics meetings with participation of residents’ relatives
(Journal article, 2015)Background Many ethical problems exist in nursing homes. These include, for example, decision‐making in end‐of‐life care, use of restraints and a lack of resources. Aims The aim of the present study was to investigate ... -
They know!—Do they? A qualitative study of residents and relatives views on advance care planning, end-of-life care, and decision-making in nursing homes
(Journal article, 2016)Background: Residents living in long-term care facilities are a vulnerable population. For many residents, a nursing home is their place of death. Palliative care and end-of-life decisions are important components of their ...