Browsing Bleier til vaksne by Subject "bleier"
Now showing items 1-6 of 6
Bekkenbunnstrening og urininkontinens – tren deg tett!
(Journal article, 2000)Urininkontinens er et stort helseproblem særlig blant kvinner. Prevalenstallene varierer mellom 8 % og 52 %. Urininkontinens kan behandles med kirurgi, medikamenter og ulike former for trening av bekkenbunnsmusklene. ... -
Bleier til vaksne: Ei kunnskapsoversikt i eit notidig og historisk perspektiv
(Oppsummering nr;35, Research report, 2023)Denne kunnskapsoversikta handlar om bleier til vaksne i eit notidig, historisk, økonomisk og økologisk perspektiv. Formålet med oversikta er å vise at det er mange vaksne som treng bleier, at det finst mange ulike former ... -
For mykje bleiebruk på sjukeheim
(Others, 2021) -
History of diapers and diapering
(Journal article, 2016)For centuries, diapering has been a global practice. Most cultures around the world have historically implemented mechanisms to cover the genital area, both for privacy and to contain waste. The latest and most important ... -
Prevalence of Urinary Incontinence in Men, Women, and Children—Current Evidence: Findings of the Fourth International Consultation on Incontinence
(Journal article, 2010)Objectives To summarize existing evidence relating to the prevalence and risk factors of urinary incontinence in order to provide a concise reference source for clinicians, health researchers, and service planners. M ... -
Urinary incontinence in relationship with anxiety and depression in women : An epidemiological study
(Doctoral thesis, 2020)Urinary incontinence (UI) affects a large proportion of women during their lives. Pregnancy and parity, obesity and increasing age are regarded as the most important and best documented risk factors for UI in women. Many ...